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AN: hola my darlings! I know it's only been 3 days but it seems so long since I wrote a part, but I'm back and everything is starting to build up, Oooo.

Also, Vote and comment it means the world to me!

Btw I'm currently sat in my ptv and sws world tour t-shirt, its 1am and I'm so tired... Kay byeeee

Love you all x

I pulled up in my usual parking spot at school, it was Monday, and it was dull and gloomy. Kellin, Mike and myself emerged from the car. As expected Mike rushes off to meet up with his new girlfriend, Alysha. She was so lovely and I couldn't have picked out anyone better for my little brother. They were so similar, and she brought out the best in him, she grounded him and I liked that about her. Yes, it was a new relationship, but once Mike fell, he fell hard, and dedicated all his time and effort to anyone lucky enough to be his.

This left me and Kellin alone, school didn't start for another fifteen minutes so we stood besides my car, talking and laughing over stupid things. As always. Recently, I had noticed myself spending so much time with him, and opening up to him, even about things I had sworn to never talk about. I couldn't help it, I  just felt so comfortable with him. I didn't see my other friends as much anymore, and I was used to seeing them everyday. Kellin seems to have some kind of hold on me. He makes me smile a lot, and I wouldn't say I had a crush on him, i just cared about him a hell of a lot. It was a fairly windy day , and the growing  breeze was tugging at Kellin's beanie making him laugh as he was holding it down, he looked truly happy. A complete different Kellin from what i had saw a few weeks ago, his eyes were bright and his smile was so radient. It was a photo perfect moment, so that's why i took a quick snap. He caught on and his eyes widened, shaking his head frantically. I just had to, he looked amazing, he always did.

"Vic no!" he shouted over and over desperately, he kept trying to reach for my phone. I smirked at his frustration, knowing there was nothing he could do about it, I held the phone up in the air, he attempted a few more times to get a hold of it but failed. I smirked as he pouted and gave me the 'puppy dog' eyes. Nope, it wouldn't work.

"You're cute" I say to him, in a hushed tone, putting the phone in my pocket. I secretly knew he liked the fact i took a photo of him, He was a drama queen like that. Instantly his face turned a pinky colour, I wink and he places his hand on my chest pushing me playfully.

Ding Ding. The bell rings, Kellin and I sigh simultaneously.Making us both burst into laughter again. Right now, I was the happiest I had been. I could only hope it was the same for Kellin. Nothing could go wrong. Well that's what I thought until we were bombarded with people as soon as we had reached the gates. Jaime, Tony, Mike, Alysha, Erin and Jack were stood there looking at me, a few looked worried, confused, sad. I didn't know what was going on.

"Vic, we.. we heard something. I think you'll want to know" Mike spoke first, he seemed nervous, and couldn't get his words out straight away. What could be so bad for all my friends to be worried about the same thing.

"Okay.. Then tell me" I reply calmly, wanting one of them to spit it out. This was like that moment on a gameshow where the host declares the winner. I didn't know how to feel, however whatever i was feeling right now, wasn't a great feeling.

"Its Oliver, he's coming back" Jaime finally spat out, i stood there silent. What? I was so confused. My ex was coming back. Why? How do I react? I don't even know how I feel about this? When everything was going so perfect. All I can do is sigh, and close my eyes for a moment, processing the information. There was no need for everyone to make a fuss over Oliver anymore. We happened a long time ago, and even though he meant a lot to me, when he left, most, of my feelings did too. It was nice that they cared about my feelings but, its not a big deal.. right?

"Okay, that's great" I force a smile out, wanting everyone to know I was okay with it. Even though I wasn't really. While looking at everyone around me I turn to Kellin who... who wasn't here anymore. "Where's Kellin" I ask anyone who was listening. A few eyes darted round, looking for him, how didn't I notice him slip away. A small, voice spoke up.

"He went that way" Erin pointed out. thanking her quickly, I ran the way she had lead, leaving everyone behind. Kellin knew Oliver was my ex, I didn't know if he was upset but i wanted to check up on him. I spotted him stood in the English hallway, his eyes glued to his phone screen, he was leant against the wall.

"Kellin" I spoke softly, walking towards him, it took him a while before he looked at me, he didn't look happy anymore. He looked hurt, why? Did i do something?

"Whats wrong?" I ask , now standing infront of him, he had put his phone in his jacket pocket. A small sigh left his lips, his eyes connecting with mine. He just looked fed up. I didn't like seeing that at all.

"Its just, i know you said you still have feelings for him. I just don't want you to abandon me as soon as he comes, you're the only person i have. I need you Vic." Kellin admits, making heart melt slightly, he looked so scared and i wanted to reassure him and i would prove myself to him. I wouldn't leave him, i couldn't. I take his hand in mine, slowly tracing my thumb over his knuckle. Still looking into his emerald coloured eyes.

"I would be stupid to loose someone like you" I replied truthfully. He shot me a half smile, looking down at our hands, i wish i knew what he was thinking, it would make everything so much easier. I pulled him into a hug, his head resting on my shoulder. Unfortunately i couldn't hold him for long, i had to get to class. "Meet me at lunch" i say before hurrying off to my next class.

The lesson dragged on so much, and all that was on my mind was Kellin, if he was getting jealous did this mean he liked me? All kinds of thoughts and questions were running through my head. Tony and Jaime had tried speaking to me several times throughout science, but i was zoned out in my own little world, i payed barely any attention.

After spending dinner with everyone on the field, then attending my last two lessons for the day school was finally over. As usual me, Kellin and Mike headed to my car. Mike hadn't spoken about Oliver again, I told him how Kellin reacted and he didn't want to worsen the situation. I just didn't know how i would handle it when he actually got here. What if it was just a rumour? There is always that chance that he doesn't even come back to San Diageo. Who knows, it would be hard seeing him again, i don't know how i would feel. He was a good boyfriend, there wasn't many bad qualities about Oliver Sykes. For the most part, he was an amazing person to be around and be with. That why it hit me so hard when he left. As i unlocked my car, my phone began to ring, i look down at it. No caller ID.

"One minute guys, let me get this" I say to Kellin and my brother, they were both already seated in my car waiting for me.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone, i didn't know who it was, so i was expecting the person to identify themselves, i soon relaised they wouldn't have to, i knew that voice, it had become a familiar voice in my life for a long time.

"Hello vic, long time no see, meet me at Café De Lesli, in a hour"a thick English accent spoke, before i could even reply, i heard beeping at the other side of the line.

Oliver Sykes had just hung up on me.

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