Puzzle Pieces

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It's been so long since I updated... Sorry for that. School been crazy. 🙄 Emotions done been being played with. 💘💔💞 Writers block done showed up. 🤔😶 But I'm back at it man. 😊😝😝💕

Dominic's pov

McKenna's phone buzzed on the table across from our bed. I ignored it and continued playing 2k.

"Babe!" I heard McKenna yell from the kitchen.


"Can you bring me my phone?" She asked.

"Why you can't come get it?" I said.

"I'm washing the dishes." She replied. I went up for a layup before pausing the game to grab her phone.

I took it off the charger and the screen lit up.

Drew❤️- Sorry about that crappy Lunch. I'll do better next time. 😬😂

"What the fuck is this?" I mumbled, rubbing my head.

I tried to type in her password to see the rest of the conversation, but she had changed it. I walked the phone into the kitchen with her, trying to keep an open mind.

I guess I was glaring at her, or she sensed my vibe.

"What?" She asked.

"Why the fuck you talking to this nigga?" I snapped.

"We were just talking." She stated.

"Fuck that. What do you need to talk to him for?"

"I don't know where the fuck you lost your mind, but you better go find it and come back and talk to me like you got some damn sense." She yelled.

"You the one that lost your mind up here having lunch with your ex and not telling me about it. What else y'all been doing that you're not telling me about?"

"What the fuck does that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"Are fucking him?" I asked bluntly. Her mouth dropped.

"I can't believe you right now."

"You gon answer the question?" I asked. She rinsed her hands off, and walked out the door.

I walked back into my room and looked out the window until I saw her car. She was headed towards her mom's house. I sat on my bed starring at the wall.

Damn. I never think before I blow up.

McKenna's pov

I pulled up to my mom's house and every car was gone except my dad's. It was weird because it's almost never like that. I walked in anyways, finding my dad and Milo in the living room. William looked up at me. He saw the tears in my eyes, and stood up immediately.

"What's the matter?" He asked. Remembering what happened made tears drop from my eyes immediately. He wrapped his arms around me, causing my fave to fall into his chest.

"I'm here for you baby. Your father is here." He said as he patted my back. It was the first time he'd been there to wipe my tears since I was seven and my big cousin Corey told me that Santa Claus wasn't real.

Knowing that made me start crying for a-whole-nother reason.

I felt something tap my leg. I looked down at Milo. He was frowning at me. I picked him up, and he started wiping my eyes.

"No cry." He told me. I smiled slightly.

"No cry." I nodded.

"Cody?" He asked.

"You can play with him later." I told him, walking over to the couch. I sat down with him in my arms. I bounced him on my lap. My dad sat beside me.

"I know we haven't been really close since my accident, but you know you can talk to me about anything right?" He asked.

I sighed.

"Well Dominic went completely off on me because I am friends with Drew, but he knows that we're cool, so I'm confused." I explained.

"The way you were crying, feels like it's something deeper than that." He said.

"Not really." I shook my head.

"Well, from a man's point of view, we don't want our girl talking to any dude that likes her, used to like her, and especially that she used to have something with." He explained.

"Dominic used to love Drew like his brother. This really came out of nowhere." I said.

"Has Drew been disrespectful to your relationship lately?" He asked. I sat for a second thinking before I nodded.

"He told me he was still in love with me." I admitted. My dad paused for a second looking at me like I was dumb.

"I'm going to need to the put some of the puzzle together without having to look at the picture." He said. I laughed.

He lowkey called me slow.

The front door opened and in walked Makayla. She had tears in her eyes. My dad hopped up, rushing to comfort her.

I smiled. Maybe people do change, and forgiveness helps them along the way.

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