Crazy in Love

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Makayla's pov

I sat on the couch calmly watching the door. Jayson walked in smiling, happy as all our doors.

"Makayla?" He was surprised to see me. "What are you doing in my dorm?"

I smiled.

"Just visiting." I shrugged.

He wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Well, hello." He mumbled.

"You haven't texted me back." I told him.

"Makayla I told you it was best for us to go our separate ways." He sighed.

"Jayson I told you you aren't getting rid of me until I'm ready to go." I shrugged.

He ran his hand down his face.

"Fucking crazy." He mumbled. I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you Jayson. Don't you understand that? You gave love a meaning for me. Now, you're trying to tell me I have to go find someone else to do that for me?"

"I don't love you Makayla. I thought I did, but as we grow and mature, I realize I was never in love with you and the whole relationship made me unhappy." He said. I literally felt a stab in my heart.

"You can't fucking say that!" I yelled, tears swelled in my eyes. "You can't fake a year and a half worth of love!"

"Makayla please just leave. My girlfriend is on her way over here. I think you should go before she gets here. It'll save you the heart break."

"My heart's already fucking broken dumb ass," I pushed him. "Now you wanna try to protect my heart? Nigga what the fuck!" I pushed him again.

"Makayla please leave." He requested firmly. I crossed my arms.

"You dead ass gone have to carry me out this bitch, and imma be back in the same spot tomorrow, and the next day and everyday until you fucking tell me the real reason you broke up with me." I stated.

"What the fuck don't you understand? I don't love you!" He yelled.

Tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't believe it no matter how many times he told me. The shit sounded kinda foreign.

"Yes you do." I stomped my foot. He bent down, picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. I pounded my fists on his back yelling at him to put me down.

He placed me down in front of my car.

"I don't know what else you want from me. Please just leave." He practically begged me.

"I just wanted the love I gave you to be returned to me." I said calmly.

"And maybe it will be one day, just not by me." He replied.

I got in my car and sped off.

Courtney's pov

"What do you mean move to California?" I mumbled.

"Everyone in Atlanta sounds the same it's so cliche here. I need to take my sound to the next level, and the deal I'm being offered right now is crazy."

"If you're going to California, you're going alone." I stated.

He gasped, "I can't go across the country without my fiancé."

I looked at my finger. I pulled my hand to my face fully examining my bare hand.

"Nope. No ring."

I finally looked away from my hand and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw him down on one knee.

"Will you marry me Courtney?" He asked.

"Of course." I screamed, tackling him into a hug. I kissed him passionately.

"Why y'all fucking on the floor?"

I hopped up and sprinted over to her.

"McKenna! Look!" I showed her my finger before noticing he never slid the ring on.

"What am I looking at?" McKenna asked.

"Wait." I mumbled walking over to to Lucas. He stood over before sliding the ring on my finger.

As soon as he started, she screamed, "BestFriend!"

"I know best friend!" I screamed. She pulled us into a group hug.

"We growing up and shit." She mumbled.

"Soon we'll only have time for small calls to each other in between chores and activities for the children." I sighed.

"You two and your house full of children. I can see it now." She shook her head. Lucas laughed.

"The Bible says be fruitful and multiply." Lucas quoted. I shook my head and so did McKenna.

"Funny how you can only quote the Bible when it benefits you." I said.


"Lets go do celebratory shopping." McKenna suggested.

"I bet you came here to take her shopping anyways." Lucas said.

"Yeah. At first it was tea talk shopping. Now it's for celebration." McKenna shrugged. We all laughed. This girl here...

Micah pov

"Which one do you think she'll like the most?" I asked Jasmine, Ciara's bestie.

She starred down through the glass examining very closely.

"She likes the simple things, and she deserves a ring that suits her perfectly."

"Here's one of our newer ones." The lady said, placing a ring in front of us. My eyes lit up, and I looked at Jasmine. She was smiling.

She nodded, "This is the one."

"I'll take it." I nodded.


I pulled up to Chick-fil-A and we walked in. That was like the 20th ring shop we visited. We literally visited every ring shop in Athens. We had to move on to shopping in Atlanta.

We sat down with our food, eating mostly in silence.

"So what do you have planned for the proposal?" Jasmine asked.

"I'm still planning it out honestly. I don't know how she gonna react."

"She's gonna go crazy." Jasmine said.

"So this is your errands?"

I turned to look at Ciara.

"Hey baby. What are you doing here?" I smiled standing up to hug her.  She slapped me. I grabbed my face, looking down at her in surprise.

"I hope you two have a great life." She said, before running out. We both chased, her into the parking lot, but she had disappeared.

"I hate athletes." I mumbled getting into my car. I had to go find Ciara and see what the fuck had gotten into her.

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