Chapter 2.

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Riley's PoV

"Ok guys so we're learning these duets because these wonderful casting agents are looking for a lovely couple to be apart of The next step, it's a reality show and they need something new and fresh so you've got to work hard ok?" Mrs Ross says and that's the studio my mum signed me up for I'd really like it if I got in, if me and James got in together.

Me and James pick our music and start choreographing our duet. I like his style he's trained in everything and he's got this groove that not many people have.

James' PoV

Riley picked me, from all of those boys she chose me. She is one of the best dancers I've seen and that's saying something, she's so different I like it. They way she moves to the music is like no other and I've missed seeing that passion in people. We picked the song 'Hurricane' and I know this is going to be a duet to put down in the books. We get everything down pat and before we now it it's the end of the period.

I see Riley pack up her things and leave so I catch up with her, I've got gym so I wanna see what's she's got. She smiles as she realises my presence, she smile to myself at the though of it.

"Yo what you got?" I ask, she stares at her time table and doesn't look so happy.

"Gym.., I'm not very good at it I'm not an athletic person I only dance" she says shrugging her shoulder, I've learned in the morning I've met her that she doesn't like things she's not good at.

"Me too, I'll walk you" I say, she smiles at me and we continue to the locker rooms.

Riley's PoV

He said he'll walk me, I'm happy but confused. Doesn't he have a girlfriend, that's all I can think about, it's bugging me so much. I want to like him but I can't let myself unless I know for sure he doesn't. Maybe he just likes me as a friend and didn't even fancy me.

"Here we are" I sigh, I love his company and I don't want it to end.

"We are my lady?" He says kissing my hand again but I pull my hand away, there is one thing I forgot to mention. I've got a boyfriend, his names Daniel and he's back in England. I've kinda lost interest in him and I know that sounds bad but long distance relationships are unrealistic.

We say our good byes and I walk into the changing room. All the girls are in cute lingerie, luckily I wore something a little cute. Everyone is chatting away but once the door shuts the attention is on me, I just smile and walk over to a bench to get changed. This very pretty group of girls approach me. I keep getting changed though.

"Hi, your new right?" The preppy brunette says, she's kinda a little too nice that's it's irritating.

"Yeah Riley Raymond" I say smiling at them, they are all very very pretty bad I could really fit in well with them.

"Oh that's so cool, I mean your voice not your name, anyway my names Beth and this is Michelle, Thalia, Gisselle, Emily and Chloe!" She says happy pointing at everyone, I smile getting hugs from them all.

"That's cool, are you like apart of the cheer squad or.." I ask, I mean I presume there popular like top of the food chain.

"Em of course duh, I'm head!"She says just as happy as the last time, I smile and then realise she must be James' girlfriend. I mean he said I got it spot on earlier so..

"Oh you just be James' girlfriend?" I ask smiling, she nods bobbing her head up and down.

"Yeah, have you met him?" She asks, I nod my head, me and James can't happen and for one reason only.. Beth.

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