Chapter 12.

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James' POV

I can't believe me and Riley did it, it's weird though. I thought you couldn't have sex while your pregnant. I mean I'm probably just wrong right? I turn around and see Riley sleeping peacefully, she's so cute. I look at her clock and it 5am. We don't have school so it's chill. I wrap my arm around her and fall back asleep.

•• a few hours later••

"RILEY RAYMOND WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?" I frantically wake up to. I open my eyes and I see two Farley old people standing in front of us. I wrap my body with the sheet and so does Riley.

"CARE TO EXPLAIN!" The women, who in guessing is her mother, says. Riley just sighs rolling her eyes.

Riley's POV

Why are they back, they don't care about me anyway so why the fuck do they care now.

"Well mother, there is something called sex and we did that" I say cheekily, she starts tapping her foot as she gets aggravated.

"Well obviously Riley, don't eat cheeky with me, why are you doing it under my roof?" She says, nostrils flaring and everything.

"Why do you care?" I ask, I'm fed up, they left me for months on end and now they show up. Pretending they actually care, what the fuck is this a cruel joke.

"Because I'm your mother and... I care about your health" she says like a mother should talk.

"You've never cared about me before so why now, because I've Made a decision on my own, I've made mistakes, I've got a mistake, I am a mistake..." I say angrily drifting off into my own thoughts.

"What are you trying to say Riley, how have you got a mistake?" My mother says slightly confused, do I tell her?
I take deep breathes before closing my eyes.

"Well.. something happened and I'm kinda a lot...pregnant" I say quietly feeling a lump grow at the back of my throat. I see her stare at me in disbelieve before her face becomes even angrier than before.

"GET OUT!" She shouts pointing at the door. Is she kicking me out, I see James scramble with the sheets putting his clothes on. He passes me my clothes but I just stare at her. I can feel my face going all hot and then I feel a single tear drop slip from my eyes.

"PACK YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE!" She says through gritted teeth, I put my clothes on slowly as she slams the door shut. I didn't think it would go this bad.

James' POV

Wow I didn't think it would go this badly, Riley just stares into thin air. I feel bad, her parents should be supportive. I see a few more tears escape from her eyes, I take her hand and rub little circles in them. She doesn't seem to have any emotion. I get up and kneel in front of her.

"Shhh Riley it will be ok, my mum will be super chill about this. She'll understand... I promise" I say kissing her forehead. She nods her head cuddling into me.


We're driving and Riley hasn't said a word since her mum told her to leave. She just keeps blanking into space and I'm really worried actually. I've never seen her like this. We arrive at my house and I lead her in. My mum just looks at us looking for some sort of explanation why we're both here. I look at Riley and she's staring at her feet. I have my hand in hers. Time to tell my mother about my surprise.

"Can Riley stay with us for a while..?" I say gently getting into my huge surprise.

"Of course why what's happened?" My mum says concerned like usual.

"Eh Riley's mum kicked her out..." I say, I feel myself getting more and more anxious.

"Kicked her out! That's outrageous, what for?" Of course my mum would say something like that haha.

"Well, she's pregnant.." I say looking my mum dead in the eye. She looks slightly confused and looks at Riley then me again.

"Well who's the dad?" She says, she knows I am, she just wants to me to admit I am.


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