Chapter 7.

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James' PoV

We all sit in Riley's lounge eating our bagels while drinking out coffees. Riley's nicely decided to get us, I can't not stare at her, it hurt that she didn't know but we were both drunk and she must have like memory loss or something. The thought of Riley maybe being pregnant is unrealistic, like it wouldn't happen so I'm not even gonna worry about it. Tomorrow is the day we all audition to be on The next step, a fun new reality show. I super buzzed about it, only one couple from each dance class is going to get in. So I really hope me and Riley do, there are 5 dance classes in our year so hopefully we are one of the lucky 5.

Riley's PoV

I can't eat, the though of a child makes me feel sick. I'm scared, I'm too young for this. I sit next to Luke trying to attempt to eat my beagle but I don't want it.
"You not hungry?" He asks, I shake my head. My thoughts keep pulling me in and out of there conversations.

I get up and walk up stairs and sit in my bed. I stare at the covers, this is where it happened. This is where I may or may not if conceived a baby. I sit against the head board and think hard about what happened last night. A few tears slipping down as I vaguely start to remember what happened.

James' PoV

"Yo where you going!?!" Luke shouts as Riley ignores him and walks up the stairs zombie like. I know exactly what's wrong with her and I can't tell anyone else.
"I'll go check on her, she's probably just feeling sick after last night" I say, that nod as I walk up the stairs.

I slowly open her bedroom door to see her staring at her sheets, a few tears slipping down her cheeks. I shut her door and take a gentle seat next to her. I wrap my arms around her, she then bursts into tears. I rock her back and forth, I hear her sniffling and her breathing become shaky.

"I remember, a little, I ruined everything" she says, staring up at me with those innocent brown eyes. I shake my head and stroke her hair.

"No you didn't" I say, trying my best to comfort her. She stares up at me, her lip trembling.

"What if I'm pregnant James, my parents will kill me" she says shakily, I Shake my head.

"If and that's if you are which I highly doubt, you'll have to deal with the consequences when you get to it" I say, I'm definitely not having s child, I've made many bad decisions but no way in hell am I having a child.

Riley's PoV

"Me, what your not gonna be there!" I shout realising what he said, I let go of him and move away slightly.

"Well I don't know, I'm not gonna have my life ruined just because you wanted to have SEX with Me!" He shouts back, I laugh at him, I shake my head. I lift my hand giving him a right old slap across his face. I leave a huge red mark.

"Your a disgrace, I wish I never met you, manwhore!" I shout at him before standing up.

"Really because last time I checked, your the slut who wanted my dick!" He shouts back, I get even angrier than before.

"Get out!" I scream, pointing at the door. He gets up and heads for the door, I push him all the way down the stairs and too the door. I throw his shoes and coat at him.

"Wow Riley real mature your probably right, I hope your parents to kill you!" He shouts

"You fucking bastard, never, I mean never speak to me again you disgrace to man kind!" I scream before slamming he door shut. I slide down it and start to cry. I feel an arm slip round me and it's Luke, I cry into him as he moves me up and over to the sofa. Everyone just stares at me, they all look so shocked.

"Are you ok Riley, what happened?" Michael asks, she looks so concerned for me. I shake my head and take a shaky breath out.

"Nothing just realised that James is an ass" I say


Riley's PoV still

I wake up and get dressed into dance clothes. We've got the auditions all day so I need to wear the cutest thing ever!
I pick out a pair of pink cycling shorts, a floral skirt and a black strappy top. I grab my black superstars, bag, car keys and head out the door.

James' PoV

So basically today's is the day I face Riley, since our little incident you could call it. I hope it doesn't ruin our audition, I get in my car and drive off to school.

I get to school and there is a whole new dynamic in the school. Everyone is so happy and excited, it to ally rubs off cause I'm feeling pretty excited myself. I walk into the main dance hall and I see all 5 classes are crammed into this hall.

"Ok guys settle down everyone find your partner and we will put you into groups" Mrs Ross says, I look round the room and can't see Riley anywhere.

"Sorry I'm late.." I hear her innocent voice pep from behind me. I shrug and we take a seat next to each other. It's weird she won't even stare at me. Me and Riley get out in group one.

"You ok, you need to trust me Riley that's the only way we're going to get it" I tell her to sing her hands in mine, I feel her flinch at my sudden touch. She's scared of me, I was a bit harsh yesterday and I feel so bad but everything Happens for a reason. I said that for a reason.

"Don't be scared of me, I'm sorry about yesterday ok but yesterday was yesterday that's in the past"

Riley's PoV

"Don't be scared of me, I'm sorry about yesterday ok but yesterday was yesterday that's in the past" he says, I want to forget but I can't, I just nod in response.

It's now me and James' time to dance, out duet is good but not amazing. I really hope we can pull this off, we start dancing and the song says 'don't wanna make your heart break' but he did, he broke my heart. We dance and I put all my anger and emotion towards him into this. I feel my self tear up but I let it go, I pretend no one else is in the room. We finish, they thank us and I walk off to the side quickly wiping my tears.

"What's wrong Riley?" James asks, I shake my head trying to hold back more tears.

"Nothing I'm fine we've got to go do the freestyle anyway, good luck" I say before running off onto the dance floor. I take a spot next to Michelle who is in another class but is also auditioning. She smiles at me, I smile back, the music come on and i put every last bit of emotion into it. I think it's working because the producer frank can't take his eyes off me.


We sit nervously for the results of today. Frank makes his way out and I'm super excited, yet nervous. Someone once told me if you aren't nervous then you don't really care. I think it's true because your showing how much you want down thing by being nervous.

"Hi guys you all did amazingly well and I'm super excited to tell you the five couples joining us. You all are super talented do I hope for the best in the future but the five couples are...."

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