chapter 15

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Riley's PoV

The next day....

Today is mine and James' first official day of filming at The Next Step. I won't be dancing but it's fine, I got told I will be doing loads of school work and choreography. Now that everyone is going to be on telly we are all getting schooled at the studio by teachers they hire until we are finished filming. I look over at James and wonder how life ever got like this, I smile at him pecking his cheek before I get up to dress myself.

I stare at my body in the mirror, a body that was once skinny, I take a deep breathe before putting on a pair of high waisted shorts, a channel top and pale blue vans. I start putting natural make up on and I curl my hair. I walk out checking my phone to see a miss call from my mum. sighing I wake James up and go into the hall calling her back.

ring.... ring....ring....

"hello" I hear her voice blurt from my side of the phone

" hi mum you called?" I say not amused at all

"oh yes, I want you to come round later I have something for you!" she says super happy like nothing happened the other night.

"ok see you later.." I say almost a whisper into the phone.

"good luck today honey, I am really proud of you" she says in such a sincere voice, she's never spoken like that in her life.

"thanks I've got to go now" I say as James snakes his hands round my waist. I lean back taking In his scent.

"ok bye, love you" she says before I hang up.

I turn around looking at James fully dressed, I smile at him before he pulls me into a hug and pecking my forehead. I don't know what my mum has for me but hopefully it's good because I can't handle anymore bad news.


We arrive at the studio, me and James' hands interlocked, I look around and look at the familiar and many unfamiliar faces. Everyone stares at us before a group of girls immediately eye me up and walking, more like strutting, over. I know most of the girls,  they go to our school, but the 'ring leader' I have no idea who she is but she's kind of scaring me. they all stop in a formation, it is kind of like most important at the front and least at the back. they stand in a huge triangle shape and stop all standing in different positions. The girl at the peek of the triangle has short blonde hair, very pale skin and clearly thinks she's it, she has her hand on her hip before handing the girl behind her the bag she was just holding. I just look at James and he has the same expression as mine, we are both weirded out.

"Hi Emily" she blurt out leaving her hand out for me to shake. I shake her hand and smile at her.

"Riley" I say awkwardly smiling

"so we heard about the incident, well most people did, especially Michelle her.." Emily says horrid, I stare at Michelle and she looks very disappoint and upset. I smile weekly at her before looking at the ground.

"Why are you still here then. you clearly have nothing to give to the team!" Emily the nasty bitch says.

"I don't know...." I say almost a whisper looking down at the ground. I feel James grab my waist protectively.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Michelle shouts from behind, I take a deep breathe, she doesn't realise so many times I've tried to.

" I tried to Michelle the other day but the cameras were about, I was supposed to call you last night but I was so tired I couldn't, I was going to tell you today but your so called 'friends' did first!" I say before turning round, I walk away dragging James with me. We take a seat with Eldon and West, I lean into James while they talk.


a few hours later

I left studio A because it was really bugging me, I walk into a small room with a piano, drum kit and microphone, I stand by the microphone and start singing Feels like Loneliness by Sabrina Carpenter

You're not asking for much but

It just seems like a lot and

Kinda confused, don't know what to choose

But baby, it's hard for me

I'm not ready for your love

I keep on the go but

I don't mean to tease ya

You're down on your knees, you're beggin' me please

But darling, it's not the way to get me baby, no

Oops, didn't mean to make you love me

Oops, didn't mean to make you love me

Didn't mean to be charming

Such a beautiful darling

Didn't wanna make you think we can be a thing

And I give you everything, love


Love feels like loneliness

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

That's just the way it is

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

We can't get the timing

Because I was running

But now I want you and you always knew, so baby

You pull away and make me wait for you

So screw all that love -ish

I think that I've had it

The more you turn your back, then I want you back

'Cause this is the last time I play this game

Always the same, and I'm through

Oops, didn't mean to make you love me

Oops, didn't mean to make you love me

Didn't mean to be charming

Such a beautiful darling

Didn't wanna make you think we can be a thing

And I give you everything, love

Love feels like loneliness

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

That's just the way it is

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Love feels like loneliness sometimes


Cause love feels like loneliness sometimes

Love feels like loneliness

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

That's just the way it is

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes, sometimes

Love feels like loneliness sometimes

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