Chapter 10

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Riley's POV

I need to tell James something but I can't. He won't care, I can't tell Daniel or anyone. I have a reputation to uphold and now I'm going to be known as the schools fuck up, who sleeps around. Maybe I can just get rid of it or oh I don't know. I stare at James contemplating whether or not to say. I dont. I chicken out like usual, I walk away and head to the bathroom.

I open the door to see Michelle with no other than Daniel. They're kissing and they don't even notice. I can't move I just keep shaking and I feel tears stream down my face.

"Yo dude this bathrooms take...Riley" Daniel says stopping his sentence, whispering my name as he notices me. Michelle grins at me proudly.   I take deeper breathes, I start to feel anxious and the walls feel like there closing in.

"We're over..." I say so silently, I start to walk away and I hear him call my name. The tears still flow down my face, I need to get out of here. I don't have a ride and my friends are pissed. Shit.

I walk out of the house and sit on the front porch still crying my eyes out. No ones out here, just me, until I hear shouting and the door slamming on James' face. I just stare at him, he doesn't even notice I'm here. He punches the door and I watch his every move as he starts to get angrier and angrier. He then sits on the steps kicking everything in site. I make the decision to walkover to him, to see if he's ok.

I take a seat next to him and place my arm on him back. I rub little circles up and down. He looks up at me and his face softens. "What happened?" I ask, to stop the comfortable silence.

"Eh your em boyfriend kicked me out.." he says looking down at the floor. The word boyfriend makes my stomach turn.
"Em he's not, he's not my b-boyfriend... anyway what did you do?" I ask trying to change the subject as quick as possible.
"Eh I shouted at him, he was looking for you and I got angry and I punched him..." I squint my face and give him a smile.
"Em can I ask you something?" He nods in response.
"Are you sober.." I say
"Yup sadly why?" He responds with, I feel slightly better but I just need away from here.
"Can you give me a lift home.." I say looking at my hands that's are almost touching his. He nods getting up and grabbing my hand. He walks me to his truck and opens the door for me.


We sit in silence until he asks a question I dread and never expected to come out his mouth.
"Are you.. you know pregnant?" He says awkwardly. I feel a lump grow in my throat. I stay silent for a minute.

"Did you mean what you said?" I ask him, I feel a little tear slip down my face.
"At the time yes, now no..." he says giving me a little bit of hope.

"Yes..." I whisper out and I feel a load more hot tears slip out.
"Yes?" He questions
"I--I'm p-pregnant.." I stutter out, I feel more tears slip out.
"Who's the dad..?" His voice become shaky.
"You.." I breathe out

"Why didn't you tell me..?" He asks, there's many reason and I'm scared.

"I was scared..." I just manage to get out.  He nods as we get to mines, the house is pitch black and frankly I'll be alone all night. He gets out the truck and helps me out. He walks me to my door. I open it, I turn around and smile sadly at him.

"Wanna come in, No ones In" he nods i place hand in his. As we walk into the dark house.

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