Chapter 5.

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Riley's PoV

I go to the changing room and get dressed into my duet costume. I'm super excited, even though Luke said that I can be with James I'm not telling him that. It's too early, me and James time will come. I think I need time to myself I've never not been in a relationship. I walk down the halls to the dance studio and everyone stares. Not how they used to though, it's different, it's nice. It's like I have power, Maybe I can throw a party, I've always wanted to do that. In England we don't really have house parties, it's not particularly a thing like America & Canada. I walk in and see James stretching, I take a deep breathe and walk towards him. He leans in to kiss me but I move away.

"James no" I say looking down, he stares at me confused.
"James were not together and we will never be together!" I say stern
"What do you mean?" He asks, I take a deep breathe.
"James I can't do this I need to be alone, for now at least.." I say, I take a deep breathe and it suddenly becomes shaky.
"Ok don't even worry about it" he says so chill and casual like nothing just happened. I finish stretching and we get called to the stage.

We start dancing and it's amazing, I feel a lot a of different things, I feel happy and so overjoyed, I'm so excited to be with him but it also feels heart breaking because is this last time I'm ever gonna feel like this with him again. We finish and I want to kiss him but I can't. I stare at him and he turns, he walks away. For some reason I push the people I want most away. A single tear drops, I quickly whip it and curtsy before walking to get James. I tap his shoulder, he turns round and smiles.
"I just wanted to say well done and congrats on being quarterback again.." I say giggle nervously before biting my lower lip.
"Thanks, congrats on making the cheer team hopefully one day you'll be head.." He say looking down and taking my hands.
"Maybe, one day" I say straight up lying to him. I feel bad but it's for the best right. We've really got to be ready for that audition next week.

2 days later

It's Friday! Whoop my parents are out of town for a couple weeks so I though I'd throw my first party. I'm super excited, I got Luke to get his big sister to buy alcohol cause well I'm too young. Me and Luke aren't together but James thinks we are so I told Luke to pretend we are. He still hasn't realised I'm head but that's ok.

Luke helps me set up the drinks on my island. We get a punch bowl and put loads of mixed flavoured drinks in. I put a ladle and plastic red cups next to it.I also have a cooler on either end filled with beers, ciders and vodkas. I set up the sound systems and put blasting load music on. Luckily my house is on its own property so no one can complain about noise.

"I'm super excited!" I say jumping up and down. Luke smile and me and laughs.
"Really I couldn't tell" he says sarcastically, I smile at him and pull him into a hug.
"I'm glad we're friends, I am genuinely sorry about what I did" I say looking down, he placing his hand on my chin and I have this urge to kiss him so I go with it. I place my lips on his and he kisses back faster and harder. We both breathe for air.

"I better go get ready" I say walking away.
"Same I'll be back in 30 minutes" he say I nod my head and see him out before going upstairs and doing my hair, makeup and picking an outfit. I straighten my hair and put smoky eyeshadow on, eyeliner, contour, highlight and a dark lip. I then go through the abundant amount of clothes I have. I pick a black mini dress with a plunge neck and black heels, Luke arrived a while ago my party starts at 8 and it's 7:45 so I'm kinda hurrying. The bell goes so I rush down stairs and open the door to reveal James with his arm around beth.

"Hi guys!" I say smiling but I can't stop staring at James he just look so damn hot.
"hi omg do you have any alcohol?" she asks, I just laugh at her question.
"Of course I have alcohol on the island" I say opening the door wide enough for them to walk in. I take a deep breathe and James scent fills the room, it's so welcoming that I miss it. I take Luke's hand and take him into the kitchen, he places me on his lap.

"You look amazing, both of you, your both so cute together don't you think Luke" I say lying, they couldn't be less cute. I want him but I know it's unfair for everyone so I'm not going to be selfish and take him.
"Omg! Really you think, aww thanks and you look stunning just the right amount of cleavage for Luke to lavage over" she say smiling, I smile back, maybe I should  bring up the captaincy, Mayne James should know.
"Sorry about taking you know captaincy off you but I'm glad you and James stayed put" I said all happy, I Look at Luke and he Ives me that look like 'are you being serious'. I shrug and smile at him, we both look at James who looks shocked.
"Yeah me too l, Riley can I speak to you for a minute about our audition in private!" He say through gritted teeth, he grabs my arm and drags me up to my room.

"Ouch James! That hurt!" I whin, I pout at him but he looks proper angry.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says angrily, I feel slightly nervous and scared.
"Because I can't be selfish with you, Beth really likes you and it wouldn't be fair if I took captaincy and you away.." I say looking down at my hands. I hear him huff.
"Are being deadly serious! I can't be with Beth you retard, I have to be with you!" He shouts in my face, I take a deep breathe a step back a little.
"James your scaring me, please calm down I'm sorry" I say, he just shakes his head at me.
"No Riley you don't understand I love you I think I don't know ok" he says getting so confused and upset.
"James maybe we can wait and see what tonight brings, yeah" I say smirking at him, he winks and we walk back down.

Maybe that was a bad idea, maybe it wasn't only time will tell.

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