Chapter 13.

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James' POV

"Me.." I say so quiet my mum could barley hear. She just nods her head, biting her lip nervously.

"How long?" She asks, I see her face become more stern. I just bite the inside of my mouth hoping we can move on.

"I've known 2 weeks now but James, I only told him tonight..." Riley says looking ashamed of herself.

"Why didn't you tell him earlier?" My mum asks

"We got in a fight and then I started going out with someone else and I just didn't want anyone to know and.. I'm scared" she blurts out in one breath, I hold her hand rubbing small circles into her palm.

"Come get some tea and we'll talk about this" my mum says with a gentle, warm smile.


We sit in the lounge drinking our tea, Riley sits quietly looks down at her tea. I'm worried about her, she's so sad all the time. I know, I was partly the blame but we're both suppose to start that new reality show and this happens. Everything was going so well for her and I ruined it.

"So... Riley honey, do you want to tell me when all this happened?" My mother asks patiently. She nods like a dog obeying to its master.

"Well first it was a little while back, I think it was when we got told we got the part or before then I'm not too sure. But I had a few people over because my parents are never in and me and James were so happy. We then did it and Beth caught us, after that I spoke to James about it and... he got kinda mad, we got in a huge fight and then I got the part, new boyfriend and everything was going great until I realised I was pregnant. Then Daniel cheated on me and I told James.."  she says crying a little. My mother gives her a sympathetic smile, I rub tiny circles in her back.

"Riley honey that's horrible I'm so sorry, have you decided what you want to do" my mom asks

"Em what do you mean, what she wants to do?" I quietly add in

"Well James it's her body, she can get an abortion, adoption or keep it, it's all up to her James.." she says giving me a dirty look, shaking her head looking back at Riley.

"Well I was gonna get an abortion but then i told James... and everything's different now" Riley says smiling at me.

~the next day~

Its Monday morning and Riley is already up and ready to go. Me on the other hand isn't. I can't stop think about if I can be a good dad. This doesn't matter though because today is the day we start The Next Step, the brand new hit reality T.V show. I'm super buzzed and can't wait, Riley on the other hand can wait for it to be over but that's only because of what she's going through right now.

Riley's POV

It's the first day of The Next Step and I'm excited but scared, what if they kick me off for being.. pregnant. Riley snap out of it that won't happen!

I walk into James' bathroom and start getting ready for the day. I clean myself and put on my Calvin Klein leggings and a grey crop top. I shove my hair in a high pony and grab my dance bag putting everything in it. I go back into his room to see James is still asleep. I sigh taking a seat on his bed next to him dropping my dance bag.

"James baby you have to get up" I say in a sweet gentle tone. He just smiles biting his lip pulling me closer to him.

We look into each other's eyes for a while smiling. I lean on giving him a peck which he gladly returns with a make out session. I pull away giving him once last peck before sending him off.

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