Chapter 3.

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Riley's PoV

I wake up and it's day 2 of my biggest adventure yet. I got multiple friend request last night on Facebook. I gave James and Luke my number, I like them both but there is something about James that I want. I know that I won't have him and that we'll just be friends and I'll have to be ok with that if I like it or not. Beth said she'll give me a ride today so I got up a little earlier to make sure I look super hot. I put on a black bralette style crop top, denim shorts and an oversized grey cardigan. I do my make up a little less natural today because I want to make an effort. I put cat eyeliner on, smoky eye, I contour and all the rest of it and put on a Matte pinky nude lip. I curl my hair once again then head down stairs.

I look at my phone and I have missed a call from Beth, I better call her back I guess. I press call and put it on speaker before grabbing some granola, low fat Greek yoghurt and some berries. I make it while it rings.
"Hey b!" She shouts down the phone
"Hey" I say
"We're coming early is it ok if we hang at yours for a bit before we go to school?" She asks, I mean there isn't a reason they can't so why not
"Sure my mum and dad are at work so sure whatever" I say, I start to eat my food and she hangs up. I hear a ring at the bell right after she's hung up. I open the door to reveal Luke, James, Beth, Michelle and John. I finish what's in my mouth and invite them in. I mean my house is pretty huge, I'm not embarrassed definitely not. My parents are like filthy filthy Rich so..

They all stare at my house in amazement, I walk back through the kitchen and eat my breakfast in the island while turning the tv on.
"Any you guys hungry?" I ask not being rude.
"Oh my god yes I'm starving my parents kicked me out early this morning I mean if you don't mind.." Beth says forming like a puppy. I giggle and shrug my shoulders.
"Sure, take anything except the things that say dad or he'll go crazy!" I say cheerfully, they laugh at my comment and she looks in my fridge.

"Oh sorry I mean we don't eat junk, well I'm not aloud" I say biting my lip eating the rest.

"What! So you've never had a chocolate bar?" Beth asks and I shake my head, I have like diary free basically like fake chocolate.

"Yeah, dairy free" I say, I mean I'm the size I am because I keep it this way. She shakes her head in disapproval.

"No no no we are getting you chocolate if it's the last thing I do" she says, I mean I'm not too bothered about eating it so.

"Hey riles where's the bathroom?" James says
"oh eh use mine I'll show you, the guest one isn't finished yet.." I say taking him upstairs as the rest sit down stairs socialising. We get to my room and I shut the door quietly, he then gently pushes me back and starts to kiss me. I knew it was coming, I should of stopped it but I couldn't. We kiss until I hear someone come up the stairs so I push him into the bathroom and sit on my bed. I grab my hand bag and start to look through it.

"Omg your room is like tots amaze!" She says, I laugh awkwardly.
"I bet that bed is good for more than just sleeping in" Luke whispers in my ear, he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I shrug him off me, he stares at me in disbelief, like did I just do that.

James gets out the toilet and we all get in Beth and James' cars. Me, Michelle and Beth go in her car and James, Luke and John go in his. I sit in the back because Michelle calls shot gun, I just sit on my phone while I receive a text from Luke.

From Luke ❤️: hey baby why so quiet today, everything ok? X
To Luke: yeah, sorry just a bit confused X
From Luke ❤️: how come? Xx
To Luke: what are we? Xx
From Luke ❤️: wait you want to be with me? Xx
To Luke: I wouldn't be asking I didn't
Want to.. X

After that he just reads and doesn't reply, I sigh looking out the window listening to the girls terrible singing. I do really really like Luke but when James touches me its like I fall into another universe. I can't control myself but maybe if me and Luke are a thing then i could, I wouldn't over step the boundaries. We arrive and I get out and Luke runs over to me and spins me around. I giggle at his sudden outburst of enthusiasm, he slowly puts me down, my lips scuffing the surface of his lips. He suddenly presses my lips against his and kisses me, I kiss back and it feels good, it feels different, meaningful almost.

"Luke... What are we?" I ask once we finish kissing, I'm so confused and all this is messing with my head. He smiles and places his hands on my waist, I rest my arms around his next.
"We're a couple.. If you want to be my girlfriend..?" He say biting his lip anxiously, I smile and hug him tight. I stare at James who doesn't look amused, I mouth 'sorry' but he walks away. Luke pulls me away and kisses me before we walk hand in hand through the school. I get loads of odd looks but just as many awe looks. We walk over to the big group, they all stare oddly at us.

"Dudes, me and riles are officially a thing, if your not fast your last!" He says happy, I have this sickening feeling in my stomach. I fake smile at everyone before they all cheer and give Luke bro hugs.

"I'm just gonna go, I've got to speak to someone see you at break.." I say before pecking his cheek and walking off. I get round the corner and take a deep breathe, then someone startles me.

"Riley what was that about?" James says the most serious he's ever been. I shrug my shoulders and nervously bite my nails, I stare down at the floor.

"Riley talk to me please, I though we had something good going I can't cheat with my best friends girl.." He whispers to me, I look up disgusted.

"What so you expect me to just do the same with Beth, I like Luke and I like you but I can't have you so I made a move with him!" I whisper yell, he just stares at me with that stupidly, gorgeous face and I can't help but smile, I bite my lip and my breath becomes heavy.
He has this look of confusion.

"Riley your messing with me, everything was great and perfect and then you come along and mess everything up!" He whisper yells back

"Then why are we having this conversation, if you wanted to be with me you'd break up with Beth but you haven't so you clearly like her
More than me" I say walking away but he grabs my hand, I turn around and shake my head.

"Riles, I do like you more than you can imagine but I can't break up with Beth, I'm quarterback she's head cheerleader it's how it works at this school" he says, I feel so angry.

"Are you serious, if I became head cheerleader then we could be an official couple?" I say, I'm so agitated but I want him so bad.

"yes if you wanted to" he says and I gulp down hard.

"James everything happens for a reason and I'm not head cheerleader because I just moved here, I could easily take that top spot with out a doubt but what makes you think I gonna just drop everything to be with you?" I say with my hand on my hips.

"Because even though I've known you 1 day, I know your another girl that wants me... More than you've wanted anything in your life" He say gently, I come closer and the halls become emptier. The worst part is he's right, I want him so badly that I just can't have him.

"James, I like you and I don't say that to a lot of people but I do and I'm sorry to break it down to you but we can't do this" I say placing my hand in his, he shrugs his shoulders and smiles at me.

"I know, I like you too but I can't be with you it would be too selfish of me, Luke deserves someone like you more than I ever will.." He say staring me in the eyes, I feel, I want him, i need him and I'll have him.. One day. I peck his lips and hug him, I take in his scent before we both walk silently to home room together.

We walk in and everyone stares at us, Mrs Ross doesn't look impressed. "Your late sit!" She say through gritted teeth, I slowly walk over to my seat next to James. Everyone talks but I don't, I just sit there thinking of stuff, him, James. "Ok class get your drug partner and start working hard, double period today so better get going!" She says clapping her hands, we all change into our dance clothes and head to the the studio. Me and James start our duet and it's amazing I feel so emotionally connected to him. I trust him and that's what a duet is about.

"Guys that's amazing, is really like it if you would dance at the showcase this week?" Mrs Ross says, I smile I can see al the hope in her eyes and I don't want James to destroy it. "Sure thing don't even worry bout it!" He say smiling wrapping his arm around me. I smile back but I know this is going to go terribly wrong.

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