Chapter 9.

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Riley's POV

It's been a long week and it's finally the day before Halloween. I'm so excited, me and Daniel have been going great. Nothing has been declared about us but I'm ok with that. I walk to school and head to the group. They all greet me and I smile looking for the one person I want most, Daniel. I feel his arms snake around my waist, I lean back and sink into his scent. I turn around and our lips lock automatically.

"Babe you coming to my Halloween party tomorrow?" He asks me, I shrug. My parents have been gone for nearly a month now and who knows when there coming back. My bank balance just keeps going up and up.

"Maybe I don't know if my mum or dad will be back" I say shrugging. Daniel understands how I feel about them going and he's actually really supportive.

"Babe please, I need you there" he says whining.

"Why do you need me?" I ask he then smirks and licks his lips. I can't help but smile, blushing a tad.

"So I can hold you, kiss you, touch you.. baby please" he says, I stand in front of him, wrapping my arms around his neck and staring him in the eye. I place my lips on his, agreeing to go.


It's after school now, me and the girls are heading to the mall to shop for costumes. We've all decided what we're going as.
                 Michelle - angle
                 Thalia - bunny
                 Stephanie - police officer
                 Emily - teacher
                 Chloe - school girl
                 Me - a devil

We buy our costumes and head back to mine. We all get ready and it's so fun, I put on my costume and so do the girls.

"So what about you and Daniel..." they whine to me, I smile to myself just thinking about him. I shrug not knowing what to say.

"Come on riles tell us!!!" Michelle whines the most. I roll my eyes shaking my head smiling at them.

"I don't know..." I say as I start to think about it, me and Daniel haven't made ourself official or even spoke about this before.

"What do you mean, I don't know.." they say squinting there heads like little puppy dogs.

"Well we're not official or not official, we just have this very nice thing going. Girls be honest do you think he might be.. actually it doesn't matter" I change my mind at the last second. They all frown, I take them down stairs and wait for the boys.


We're at the party and I'm on my own, the girls have went off, somewhere in this huge house of his. I came here for him and I'm not even with him. I might as well get a drink, I walk down stairs and turn the corner to come face first with something way bigger than myself.

"I'm sorry..." the masculine and fairly similar voice says. I giggle it off and look up to see James. Me and James haven't spoken for like ever and in a couple weeks we're both starting on the reality show 'The Next Step'.

"James..." I say staring off into the distance, why did it have to be him.
"Riley.." I hear him gulp, our hands still touching. I quickly shake my head letting go of his hand, fixing my hair quickly.

"I-I-I'm sorry.. erm what happened Riley, we had everything and now huh what happened?" He says, I want to cry and scream but I can't.

"James, you know exactly what happened. I can't be with you and you can't be with me, I'mv with Daniel now I'm sorry.." I say, I shrug my shoulders walking away.

James' POV

I watch her walk away and no I can let her leave. Can I? I know I about to do something I'll regret.

"Riley, wait!" I shout running through the crowd of people to get her. She stops and turns her amazingly soft eyes stare into mine waiting for something to happen. I can see hope, I know she wants me and I want her.

"Why?" Is all that seems to come out. She stares at me very confused.
"Why can't we be together?" I say, this is scary I've never liked anyone the way I like Riley.

"Because James I'm with Daniel now and I'll just break your heart and I can't do that to you!" She shouts at me, it almost sounds like a whisper over the load music.

"I want you to though" she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to.."

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