Chapter 6.

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Riley's PoV

I'm absolutely mortal, I've been drinking, dancing, snogging and more drinking. I mean I haven't seen James yet, I've been round most of the football team, hopefully he doesn't get annoyed. I head over to the island and grab a red cup and pour some of the mixed drink into it.
"Hey baby having fun?" I hear a masculine voice say, I feel his arms snake round my waist. I lean back and swag back and forth taking small sips of my drink.
"Yeah, quite the party isn't it" I say, I smile to myself. He turns me around and it's the one I've been waiting for all night. James, I want him.
"You look like your having blast" he says smirking at me, I can smell the alcohol clinging to him. Just like he probably can me. I smirk and grind my hips into him, I giggle taking his hand and moving into the living room. We dance in the crowd. He places his hands on my bum and I place mine on his chest.
"Did I mention how sexy you look?" He says looking me up and down, I smile at his compliment.
"Thanks, yo-ou lo-ok hoot" I say stuttering, I take a deep breathe and lean my head back before smirking at him. I look at his face and can't help but kiss him.

He bites my lower lips for approval to slip his tongue in which I happily accept. We make out for a while, his hands roam my body making me feels ways I've never felt before. I move him over to the wall, he pins me against it kissing my neck. I lift his face up and connect his lips with mine, I jump up and wrap my legs around his torso. He walks us up the stairs and into my bedroom, he places me on my bed before leaning over me. He kisses me grinding into me. I giggle and flip him over, I grind myself into him now while taking his T-shirt off. I stare at his abs and start to kiss them up to his lips. He strips my dress off me as I flick my shoes off. I'm left in my thong, maybe it was a bad idea that I never wore a bra. He just stares at my breasts, I bite my lower lip nervously. He raises his eyebrows and smirks at me. He caresses them as he places love bites on my neck. I slip his ripped jeans down and then his boxers. I start to play with his chaft, slowly moving my hand up and down. I hear his breathe hitch, I slip down him and place my mouth on it. My head bops up and down, after I'm done I go back up and slip my thong off.
"James, take me.. Make me feel good" I beg, he smiles which I smile back with. I feel so giddy, I've never actually done this before. I'm still a virgin, he inserts himself inside of me as god it feels good. He grinds into me, connecting out lips as we slip away under the covers. It feels better than I ever imagined it would be. I lean back as he kisses my breasts, my breathe hitched as I moans his name slowly.
"JAMES WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I hear a slightly angry Beth yell, she startles us both, are eyes widen and I can't help but giggle.
"RILEY IS THAT YOU!" She huffs, he takes himself out of me, we both stare at her wrapping my sheets around us. I have nothing to say, for once I'm speechless. I stare at James, he needs to say something, she's just staring at us with her hands on her hips.
"I'm sorry babe" he says, she just laughs and shakes her head. I can tell she wants to cry.
"Riley Raymond I will destroy you just remember I'm queen bee around here!" She says through gritted teeth, I'm not gonna let her speak to me like that.
"Oh yeah that's right, remember i took that away from you too so good luck wth that, bye boo" I say sassily, she storms out and slams the door shut. I sigh getting up and grabbing my clothes slipping them back on. James does the Same it was fun while it lasted I guess.

I walk down stairs with James by my side. I see Michelle shouting at Beth, I take James over to them just to rub it in her face I can have whatever she has.
"Michelle having fun!" I say, I Lean my head on James' shoulder. She smiles at us then gives Beth a massive dirty look.
"No not really, Beth you need to realise your not the best anymore ok get over yourself" she says rolling her eyes.
"Beth it's probably best you leave seeing as it's my party" I say smiling at her.
"Bitch" I hear her breathe out before walking away to the door.
"See you at school" I say, I turn round and kiss James right in front of her. I place my hand on his cheek and smile, he smiles right back before pecking them again.

••The day after, Saturday••

I wake up next to Michelle, my head thumping remembering nothing from from last night. I get up and head down stairs to see Luke and James on my sofas. I head into the kitchen making myself a glass of water before getting dressed. I grab my sun glasses and shoes. I think Maybe I'll buy Starbucks, I go out and walk getting everyone iced lattes and cream cheese bagels.

James' PoV

I wake up to the sound of the door shutting. I smile to myself thinking of the events of last night. I slept with Riley, I took her virginity. Maybe now is our time, this is what we've been waiting for. I get up and walk into the kitchen making myself some water, I lean against the counter looking out the window. Suddenly the door shuts and I turn around to see Riley, smiling brightly at me. I go up to get and help her put down all the stuff from Starbucks.
"Thanks" she says smiling, embracing me into a hug. I look down at her and place my lips on hers. She backs away, which is kinda confusing.

Riley's PoV

He kissed me, what is he thinking?
"Wow, James what are you doing?!" I ask, he gives me a confused look.
"Well after last night I though that we were...I don't know" he says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Wait, what happened last night, I can't remember anything James" I say trying to think about what happened.
"You don't remember? Em I doesn't matter" he says, looking rather upset that I could not remember  a thing

"Yes it does James tell me!" I say sternly, he sighs.
"We kinda em.. How do I out this lightly... Did the em thing on your bed.." He says awkwardly, wait the em thing?
"Wait what? Did what?" I say still confused.
"We had you know... sex..." He says whispering the last word, my heart sinks.
"Wait did we use protection?" I ask
"I don't know the last thing I remember is you wanting me to do you" he says, my heart sinks.
Surely I couldn't be pregnant right..

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