Chapter 8.

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Riley's PoV

I squeeze Michelle's hand tight as we anxiously wait.

"Are... Myles and briar.... Eldon and Michelle.... Emily and west... Beth and hunter and last but definitely not least one of our favourites of the day James and Riley, well down you two you were outstanding and can tell something is really happening there" franks announces, how he says it makes my heart drop. I look over and James and he's staring back at me. I give him a half smile and look down.

James' PoV

I'm so excited me and Riley got chosen, I hope this gives us a chance to work things out. I'm not ready to be a father I hope she understands that. I walk over to Riley to say congratulations, I walk up to her and the first thing she does is embrace me into a hug, I smile down at her and she releases me.

"Well done, I'll see you around.." She says before walking off.

Riley's PoV

I hug James but it's not how it usually feels, I'm saying goodbye to him.. For now anyway. I still don't believe our time has come yet. I walk down the hall and bump into something much taller than me. I look up and smile at the very handsome boy, he smiles at me and helps me up.

"I'm sorry.." I say all frazzled giggling, wait giggling, why am I acting like this?

"Oh it's chill, we had fun the other night remember" he winks at me, I instantly know what he's talking about. My party, I must of been a slag that night and kissed every boy I saw.

"Oh yeah, sorry but I've kinda forgotten your name.." I say feeling ashamed, he shrugs and laughs at me.

"That's alright sweet pea I never got yours, the names Daniel Carter" he says

"Oh I'm Riley Raymond!" I say smiling, he smirks back at me and I bite my lower lip. I get this wonderful sick feeling in my stomach.

"Nice to meet you, could I take you out tonight?" He asks, I smile nodding my head.

"Ever been bowling?" He asks, I shake my head.

"No, it's not really a thing in England.." I say shrugging.

"Well Riley Raymond would you kindly join me for a game of bowling later?" He asks, he places my hand in his.

"I wouldn't go bowling for the first time with anyone else, of course I'll go!" I cheerfully smile, he places a delicate kiss on my hand. He walks off leaving me dumbfounded. I snap out of my thoughts and walk home.



1 new message

Daniel Carter

Hey Riley wondering if we're still up for tonight if so can I have your address so I can pick you up at 5

I look at the message through my phone and feel all giddy.

Riley Raymond

Of course I am, it's 62 lulu lane, can't wait!

I reply back with, in a moment of seconds I get an instant message back.

Daniel Carter

Ok can't wait to see you!

I read through the digital screen on my iPhone 6s. I decide to go in the shower since I was sweating all day from dancing. I get in the shower and use my favourite shower gel from soap and glory. I wash my hair and get out. I put my oils in my hair and style it into curls. I then moisturise my face and do my make up.

I put foundation, concealer, bronzer, a hell of a lot of highlight and then use my naked 3 palette. I top it off with a pinky nude lip and walk into my closet. I put on a white pencil skirt, a black Cami floaty top with some black sandals. I grab my Michael kors bag, I put my purse, house keys, Lipstick. I grab my sunglasses since it's still quiet hot outside. I place them on my head and check my phone. It's 7:02 Daniel should be here any minutes.

Ding dong!!!

The doorbell goes and he's standing there looking better than I ever expected. He stares me up up and down shaking his head, smirking and biting his lip at me. I look down trying to hide my blush.
"Are you ready?" He says, I nod and he takes me hand walking me to the car opening the door. I say thanks and get in the car as he drives to the bowling alley.


We arrive and wow it's huge, I look around and it's mostly teenagers. He pays and we walk over to out lane. He starts off and I pick up a ball which is way heavier than I though it would be. Daniel then comes up behind me and places his hands on mine showing me how to bowl it. It's so cliche but I love it, I love this.

We continue bowling until our time was up so we make our way to the café.
"Babe anything you want?" He asks me, I stare at the menu for a while.

"Could I get sweet potato fries please and a water?" I ask smiling a him, he nods and asks for that and what he wants. We take the food to a near by table and start eating. I can't help stare at him, his perfectly sculpted face. I dip my fries in ketchup accidentally getting some on my face. He stares at me and chuckles, I squint my eyes in confusion.

"You go something, right.. there.." he says the last part wiping the ketchup of my face. He stares close to my face and I feel my heart race faster but I don't want this moment to end. He suddenly leans in so I feel the urge to do the same. Our lips connect and my god was it magical, it's slow and romantic, it's everything you want in a kiss. He leans back and smirks at me, placing his hand in mine. I can't help but smile looking down.

We both finish eating and head to the arcade across the road. Daniel says this is where most of the school hangs so it'll be good to see some new faces. We get in and it's packed with the majority of our school. I walk side by side with Daniel, he takes me over to his HUGE group of friends. I stand awkwardly next to him, I look around and see James. I turn my back to him putting my face down, I hear his voice becoming louder and louder.

James' POV

I walk into the arcade because that's where the gang is hanging tonight. I see Riley quickly turn away, probably hoping I wouldn't see her. I walk on over just to piss her off.

"Yo boiii!!" I shout at them, we bro hug and I just see her look up at me. That innocent smile makes me so hungry for her. I secretively wink at her which she bites her lip and looks away. I know she wants this but she's just refusing to accept the fact that she still had feeling for me.

We all make our way to a table and all the boys take a seat. All the girls sit on their boyfriends lap and then there's Riley. She just stands there not knowing what to do. Suddenly Daniel motions for her to sit on his lap. This makes me really pissed for some reason, I take a deep breathe I'm trying to calm the anger that is boiling up inside of me. They both stare happily into each other's eyes and god it's annoying.

I can't believe I've really lost her, was I in love with her or in love with the though of being in love?

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