chapter 16

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James' POV

I lean again the door for the music room and hear Riley singing, the words she sings make me worry. They sound so true, so relevant that our relationship seems so un true and irrelevant that she's just doing this for the show. As she finishes singing I take deep breathe  watching her actions, she leans her head back and sighs placing her hands on her stomach, a few tears creep down her face as she wipes them quickly. I clap and notice how many cameras are about, you'll never get privacy in this place.  She stands up straight looking in my direction giving me one of her sweet little smiles. I smirk walking up to her wanting to ask so many questions that she's never answered, that  I've never asked.

" I never knew you could sing?" I ask as she wraps her arms around me embracing me in a hug. I peck her forehead hugging her back.

"Not many people do, only the closest people know" she says, huh the closest people what am I not close to her. I though I was her boyfriend, I thought I was the father of her child but clearly that means nothing.

"huh ok then.." I mutter under my breathe letting go of her walking away and back into Studio A.

Riley's POV

James all of a sudden lets go and walks out, he never acts this way. Did I say something? I need him right now more than anyone can ever imagine but maybe he doesn't get that. I sigh looking round the very plain room before turning round to see Michelle and Emily. Me and Michelle used to be friends with a girl named Emily but never this mean.

"Michelle?" I say looking at her, she smiles deviously at me. I seriously don't have the time to deal with her shit right now.

"Riley, I just wanted an explanation to why you never told me without perfect little boy toy James.." she says sassily giving me an evil smile looking me up and down.

"1. he isn't a toy boy and 2. I did yesterday, I tried telling you loads but the camera men kept coming up to us" I say looking round getting bored of her little games.

"still Riley we were supposed to be best friends.." she says not giving me that evil look she looks genuinely hurt I never told her.

"yeah I thought we were supposed to be best friends when Daniel cheated on me with you but I still forgave you so maybe get over yourself" I say with my hands on my hips, her face drops at his name, she starts to tear up right in front of me. Emily seems to have had enough and leaves.

"Riley there's something I never told you about that night.." she says looking dead serious but I don't know if this is another one of her stupid games or what

"Michelle I think we should talk about this later when there isn't people filming us all the time.." I say looking at her, she nods and looks at the ground. I smile at her before walking out.

I wonder about looking for James to discover that he's with Beth in studio B, I stand at the door watching them, I trust him. Beth giggles innocently and he smirks biting his lip like he does to me, come on James do the right thing, they lean in at the same time. I want to stop them but I don't have the will power. I take a deep breathe watching the kiss before James backs away and pushes her off walking towards the door. I quickly run off down the hall before he can't know I seen him.

a few hours later

James's POV

I'm meeting Riley at the java junction so we can go home together, I done something really bad today. I kissed Beth and Riley hates Beth. I don't know why I did it but I backed away, I want to tell her, I need to tell her but I can't break her heart again. I see her and she looks so happy, I can't do this. I'm not good for her all I do is hurt her and I don't know why, I don't want to but I do and I need to accept that and tell her.

"hey babe" I say kissing her cheek, she gives me an odd smile.

Riley's POV

I don't care that he kissed her, I just want him to tell me, to explain why and then I will be ok. I'm not angry nor sad. He comes up to me pecking my cheek, I give him a not so Riley smile as he takes a seat. We stare at each other for a while and I can see the guilt in his face, we've been staring at each other for about 5 minutes and he's still not said anything.

"so anything happen today?!?" I say stern trying to hide that anger that's boiling up inside of me, he looks at the ground and I can't help feel bad.

"err...Riley don't be mad but something happened and I don't want to stress you out or harm the baby in anyway..." he says slowly and gently. I can tell he's hurting from this.

"go on..." I say encouraging holding his hand, smiling.

"I've got to do a duet with Beth..." he says hesitantly, I raise my eyebrows and sigh. "Nothing will happen with us I promise I love you only you" he say rubbing circles into my hands. I chuckle ever so slightly this must be a joke.

"James you've got to be kidding me, I love you and won't do anything to hurt you crap, I saw you today I came to bring you a drink and I saw you kissing so maybe don't lie to me!" I say getting up from my seat, he grabs a hold of my arm and electricity flows through my body.

"Riley, I'm sorry I just didn't want to hurt you again.." he says so sincere, I can't help give in. I need him more than ever right now and can't risk losing him.

"I believe you...."

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