Chapter 14.

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Rileys POV

Me and James arrive at the studio and I'm really scared to tell Miss Kate I'm pregnant, I got kicked out by my own mother why won't they kick me off the show and team too. We walk in and there is loads of familiar and new faces, people with cameras pointing and filming everyone. It's crazy hectic in here. Me and James walk over to Michelle and Eldon who are stretching together, James doesn't let go of my hand. I'm so scared I've not told anyone what if everyone falls out with me.

"Hey!" Michelle says all happy, I smile at her looking down at my stomach, are matching figures won't be the same forever...

"Can I have a word with you?" I ask her, she nods and we walk out of studio A. The camera guy follows us and I'm really scared to tell her when he's there.

"Can you not film this it is really important..." I say looking down. He gives me an odd look and refuses.

"We will talk later I'll call you.." she nods and we walk back in.


James' POV

"Hey man" I say bro hugging Eldon.
"Hey, what's been up haven't seen you lately?"
He questions, I shrug my shoulders. Should I tell him that I got Riley pregnant or...I mean he's my boy so it's fine.

"I got Riley pregnant.." I whisper in his ear, his face shows more than shock. The camera men come right up to us.

"What's wrong continue please this could be tv gold.." the grumpy man says, I gulp hard and give Eldon that look like don't you fucking say a word.

"Yeah my mother met him I was so pumped.." I say pretending my mom met someone famous.
"Really I'm so jealous, what happened?" Eldon asks pretending as much as me.
"He asked for her number, yeah I know I'm shocked too but they seem to be hitting it off" I say walking away.

Rileys POV

I walk back into studio A after Michelle nervously. I smile and James and he walks over to me. I hug him tight, I need this, I need him...

"Good luck you'll do great!" He says all happy into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my waist.

"I love you.." I say pecking his lips, I smile leaning into his chest.

"I love you too.." he whispers kissing my forehead. We all have to start dancing but I'm scared what if I hurt the baby?

I mark most of the routine until me and James have to do a lift. It's over head and I'm just really scared incase I harm it. I run up to him and he lifts me up, I tighten my core and stay up before he puts me down spinning me round and lifting me again. When we're done I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I run out the studio and into the bathroom, camera men following my every move. I shut the stall and start to puke, I start to tear up letting some drip down my face. I quickly wipe them before getting out the stall putting chewing gum in my mouth and breathing deeply.

"Everything ok?" The man who was once grumpy asks pretty genuinely.

"Yeah I guess, feel a bit dizzy.." I say looking at myself in the mirror before walking out. James looks at me worried. He hugs me tight and we sit dow on the bench as everyone else does solos and duets with who they got in with.

"Is everything ok?" James asks just like the grumpy man, it's like he knows but he doesn't.

"Yeah just feeling a bit dizzy.." I say looking over at the camera man that has a look of worry.


"Riley Raymond right? Come with me.." the same camera man says leading me into a small office.

"What is it?" I ask nervously, I'm really scared,
Is he gonna kick me off the team.

"Well you know, James and you were everyone's favourite you could tell you had something special but there was blockage. I feel there was a situation you were having but now you seem to be smooth, flowey why is that?" He asks, I shrug playing with my hands.

"Don't be scared to tell me, this is a private chat. I know what's happening I just want you to admit it to me and yourself.." he says giving me a smile. I take a deep breathe feeling myself tear up again. This time I don't wipe them, I let them run down my face.

"Well, I'm pregnant and James didn't want to believe it and stuff happened. I got a new boyfriend then it didn't work out and now James knows that I'm actually pregnant" I ramble out, I take multiple deep breathes.

"Pregnant..?" He questions
"Ok well you know you can't dance, but we're not making you leave the show. You and James' love story could be epic and that's what gets the views, romance! we need you riley and maybe being pregnant is the best thing you could do for your career" he says, I don't understand, best thing fro my career, this could ruin my career. I might not be able to dance again, I'm going to have to be a sit at home mum and I don't want that.

"what do you mean, best thing that could happen to my career?" I ask nervously looking at the tiny bump, he smiles at me and chuckles to himself. #

"Riley you could make millions off this, I could make millions off this, you could get interviews and modelling jobs. Your the new face of 'The Next Step', your going to be the fan favourite and so is James. Just think about this 'Jiley Power couple'..." he says but I drift off thinking about it, maybe this is good. I'm going to be famous and my mum might actually accept me. England's sweetheart Riley Raymond... I can see it now.

"thanks." I say walking away, he just stares at me and follows behind.


I walk into studio A and James is waiting on the same bench, I walk in with a beaming smile, everyone's eyes go straight on me as I walk in. I smile brightly walking over to James sitting on his lap. I hug him taking in his scent, he is going to be a great father like I will be mother. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

"What was that about?" James askes nervously.

"He knew but he is ok with it, static actually, we are going to be famous James. Baby or not they liked us the best and wanted us to be the face of this place before we even started." I say smiling at him.

"seriously, are you aloud to stay on the show?" he asks biting his lip nervously. He is so sexy when he is scared...

"yup apparently people will watch it just for our 'epic romance' his words not mine but we are the Power couple of the next step James, we're gonna have interview after interview. everything is going to pan out great for us" I say staining into his eyes kissing him sl

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