Chapter 4.

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3 days later

James' PoV

It's the day of the showcase and I'm pretty pumped, me and Riley have our duet then next week we have the auditions for the reality show. Me and riles have got it in the bag, things with Riley have been great, we sneak off and make out everyday but we've made it clear she's with Luke and I'm with Beth. Even if I want her, I get to school and go straight to the squad. Riley, Luke, Michele, John, Beth, Thalia and Eldon are all standing in the usual spot. I walk over and bro hug everyone. I smile at Riley and she secretly smiles back.

"James we've got to go practice first and second period, Mrs Ross said to me as soon as I arrived..." She says shrugging her shoulders, I know we'll have an excuse to make out now.

"Bye baby" Luke says to Riley, kissing her. It makes me annoyed just watching them but I peck Beth's lips and go off with Riley.

"How's things with Beth?"

Riley's PoV

"How's things with Beth?" I ask trying to make conversation.
"Ok I guess, I think she's maybe cheating on me with hunter" he says shrugging, he clearly doesn't feel upset because he's doing the same to Beth.
"I'm sorry kinda anyway I'm trying out for the cheer team today!" I say super excited I've been waiting for this all week now.
"Really, for me?!" He says gasping and I'm not gonna lie yes, partly for him but the most part cause I did it back in England.
"Of course!" I say sarcastically, we walk into the dance studio and I peck his lips.

1hour later

"James why does it have to be like this?" I ask
"Like what?" He replies
"Complicated, why can't we be together?" I say frowning, he places a hand on my cheek and rubs circles with his thumb.
"It just can't baby, if you become head then it'll change, Luke won't mind he's my boy" he say, I smile looking down.
"Why do I have to be head, can't you just be with me this is a load of crap.." I say
"I know but everyone will go crazy and you'll get hate princess so it's best like this" he say kissing me, slowly and passionately. I smile and hug him tight.
We continue to rehearse after that

3 hours later

It's lunch and I've got cheer try outs, I'm so excited. Every year they pick a captain and a team so no spot is guaranteed so I'm super excited like super excited. I eat my lunch and get changed into my gym clothes. I head out to the field and see James and the boys practicing, Luke motions for me to go over so I go. I stretch over next to him, he sits next to me and I can't help but smile.

"Hey babe!" He says
"Hi, practicing well, James isn't being too hard on you baby?" I say sarcastically. 
"Just a little, he's been off with me later if I'm being honest.." He says shrugging his shoulder. I suddenly have this put or guilt in my stomach and I want to tell him but I can't.
"Oh yeah he hunks Beth is cheating on him hunter Maybe that's why, don't tell anyone I said ok" I say holding my pinky out, he kisses it and I walk over to the girls.

They are all talking about how it'll be a breeze and they'll get in no problem. Me on the other hand is super nervous but it's ok because I was head in England so I can be head here. We start the routine and I've got it down pat in the first showing. I practice and practice then we go over it as a team. I'm super pumped for it, I'm in a group with Beth, Thalia, Richelle, skyler and piper James' younger sister. I go through and everything is a breeze. I then do my solo which may I also say pretty awesome. I think I've got a real shot.

"Ok guys the people Who made it are
Piper, Richelle, Beth, Chloe, Michelle, Thalia, Gisselle, Emily, Stephanie and last but defiantly not least our new cheer captain Riley Raymond, well done" she says and I can't believe it, I can stop smiling. I grasp my new uniform and run over to Luke. I jump up and wrap my legs around him.

"I'm captain, I got in omg!" I say kissing him. Even though I'm kissing Luke all I can think about is James.
"Babe, that means we can't be together you know that right.." He says looking down, I sigh and shake my head.
"How come, I love you.." I say for the first time in a very long time.
"It's how it works but whatever I'm chill go be with James I know you've been cheating on me.." He says pecking my lips

"I'm sorry.." How'd he know? I really did love him.
"It's chill babe James is the one for you, make it happen" his encouragement makes me happy, I feel we can still be great friends but I guess it is how it works round here.

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