Chapter 17.

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James' POV

"I believe you.." Riley says genuinely I never thought it would go this smoothly. I smile placing my hand on hers.
"I love you.." I say pecking her check, she smiles and looks down at her stomach. I can't believe me and Riley are having a baby.. it's so.. it's so unreal.
"Yeah, I love you too.." she says taking her hand away from mine.

 a few hours later....

Rileys POV

I want to forgive and forget but a little voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me I'm not good enough and that Beth is skinnier, prettier and nicer to him that I ever will be. I get up and walk out and head to the studio. I put music on and just dance because that always helps to clear my head. I see James walk in and I don't want to speak to him so I keep dancing pretending he isn't there. He walks closer and closer to me.. until I'm forced to stop. I breathe heavy staring at him.

"Babe.." he says but I but in
"James.. I love you I do but it's really hard for me to forgive you..." he looks at me all confused.
"Wait I thought we were cool" he says all chilled as per but nothing is always cool.
"James just because I said I forgive you doesn't mean it's all cool, it doesn't make it right for you to go and KISS other girls is it.." I say getting louder and louder.

"yo babe, chill. I know it isn't and i'm not going to do it again, i love you and only you i promise..." he says, placing a delicate arm on mine, I get that tingling feeling i got when we first met, butterflies i know i still love him but what if it's time to move on. 

"James i can't keep doing this, I just can't.." i say, finding it hard to get my words out, i feel myself tear up as tears stream down my face, his warm hard caresses my cheek. I see the hurt in his eyes as it feels like i betray him. I place my hand on his and i take a deep breathe before leaning into his warm embrace, it's everything I've missed and more. I stay close to him until i hear voices i abruptly end our hug and walk away. 

"Riley" i hear his voice shout, i don't look back i just walk out, i sit in studio B where it all happened. My head spinning, i thought he loved me, i thought he wanted me. I see the camera men start to rush in, i don't move, i'm frozen i just sit and a float of tears erupt from my eyes. 

Moments after James runs in, no wonder there are loads of camera men. I sit and look at him not even bothering to wipe the tears. He stops and stares, nothing comes from mine or his mouth. H slowly makes his way over to me and sits down, his arm gently wrapping around my body. I lean against his chest, we sit in silence until he sighs. 

"Riley, baby you've got to trust me" he takes hold of my hand " I love you, i know all i do is hurt you but i love you i really do and i need you, we're having a baby. Like a real child" I giggle at his realisation. 

"James i understand, but i'm fat and Beth isn't. She's everything i'm not and that's scary i don't want you losing interest in me because your the only person I've felt this way towards and i never want to lose that, i never want to lose you" i stare at him, my eyes drifting to his lips. I crave them, my heart starts to pound, i see his eyes drifting to mine every so often. He bites his bottom lip and i can't resist i lean in our lips connect, It's the most magical feeling in the world and i never want it to end....

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