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I got to my seat and took my backpack off. I sat down and put it in my lap. I started rummaging through it to make sure nothing was taken out of it while I was sleeping. Mark sat down after putting his suitcase in the compartment above us. He leaned over to see what I was doing.

"Nothing was taken out. Just to let you know." I looked at him and he just smiled at me.

"God you're a creep," I started laughing, "but thank you."

"This so called creep says, you're welcome." He used air quotations when he said creep, and he laughed.

I raised the sun shade and started to try to see outside. I sighed as it was no use, and just closed the shade. I got my phone out of my pocket and plugged my headphones in. I started to think, and I realized that mom wouldn't be back home until morning. I mentally face palmed and put my head between my legs. I'm so stupid. I really should have called her before I got on this plane. Now she really isn't going to know what happened. She might think that I was kidnapped, and they killed dad so he couldn't call the police or something. Now she's going to be really worried because she might think that they are going to kill me too. Tears started to form in my eyes, even though they were closed.

I felt a hand start rubbing my back and I started to cry quietly. If only I was in that car and not Phillip, then none of this mess would have happened. I bit my lip and sat up. I wiped the tears that were still in my eyes away with my hand, and wiped them on my jeans. I sighed, and when I breathed in my breath was still shaky from crying. Mark was still rubbing my back, which helped me a lot.

I looked over at him and smiled. He had a worried look on his face, but he quickly smiled too. "Thank you. I'm okay now."

"Alright, but just know that you can tell me anything. Even though we just met, I promise to try and help you." He smiled and went back to what he was doing on his phone. I sighed and the captain came over the intercom and started talking. We started to move soon after and the flight attendants went over the safety precautions and everything else. Then we were on the runway.

They dimmed the lights and I opened the shade again to look outside. I still couldn't see too clearly but it was enough. Then the plane started to move and pick up speed. Mark nudged me and I looked over to see him put his hands up, like he was on a roller coaster. I smiled and did the same. We both laughed when we lifted off the ground and started gaining altitude.

I looked out the window when the captain came back onto the intercom telling us it was okay to move around the plane. The clouds below us were a really dark blue and was scattered through the sky. I saw the lights from the cities down below, and then looked up. The moon was full and looked bigger than it was from the ground. I smiled at it and then started looking at the stars to see all the different constellations. It was late October so I was looking to see if I could find Cassiopeia.

"What are you looking for so intensely?" Mark asked. I jumped and laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Don't be sorry. I was looking for a constellation called Cassiopeia." He gave me a questioning look so I brought up a picture I saved on my phone. He inspected it and I continued to look. Soon I found it. I grabbed Mark out of excitement and showed him where to look. "There it is."

"Wow. That's really cool. Especially since you found it quicker than what I could." He looked at me and I realized he was closer than what I thought. He studied my face for a few seconds and I blushed as we locked eyes. He moved back to his seat and I laughed awkwardly. "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. I'm trying not to do that."

I pulled the jacket hood up and brought my knees to my chest. "It's ok. You just remind me of my best friend." I looked out the window again.

"I'm sorry." Mark said slowly. He closed his eyes and we didn't move for the rest of the flight.

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