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I still haven't read that note. I got it from the car, but I could never bring myself to read it. I looked at my backpack, but didn't move. I felt paralyzed just from looking at it. The note was in it, and I could read it. Yet I couldn't do it. I sighed and looked out the window. The stars were still there, and I continued to look for different constellations.

I leaned back a little and bumped into Mark. "Sorry." I quickly moved so I wasn't in his space.

"It's fine." I heard him say, but he sounded hurt. I turned so I was facing all the way forward, and put my feet down. I looked toward him, and saw that he still had his eyes shut.

I sighed and took the hood off. I slipped some of my arm out of the sleeve, and then hit him in the face with it. He stirred and looked at me. "What?" I tried not to smile.

"You dare hit me in the face?" He started to smile and laugh which made me laugh.

"Yeah, and so what if I did, sir?"

He just smiled and shook his head. "I don't know, but we are fixing to land."

"Wait we already are here? I guess I fell asleep again." I looked out the window and saw the city lights. "Wow. It looks different than Dallas."

"Well it is Los Angeles." He looked over my shoulder. "I forgot to ask, but why are you headed here?"

"I just wanted to get away from everything." That was the truth. "Get a new start, and maybe make some friends."

"Oh so I'm not your friend?" Mark sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked down and acted like he was crying.

I laughed and pushed him. "Well you seem nice. Plus you have been extremely friendly to me, so yeah. I guess we are friends now." He looked over at me with a smile and I smiled back at him.

He fist pumped the air. "Yes! I did it!" We both laughed and looked back out the window.

We had gotten really close to the ground now, and were about to land. I saw the lights of the runway and braced for the landing. We soon got to the gate and waited to get off last. Mark got his bag from the compartment and we headed off the plane.

"Well that was fun," I said as I stretched. "Oh your jacket." I pulled my bag off my arm and took the jacket off. I handed it to Mark and he just smiled.

"Maybe we can meet again? Friend wise." He laughed.

"Sure. Um. . . where?"

"How about the pier?"

"Okay. Sounds great!" I smiled brightly. "So it's a date then?"

Mark blushed a bit. "Um. . . yeah!" We started walking to the exit of the airport, and once we were outside Mark got a taxi. "Here you can ride with me. Well if you want."

"Are you sure?" I hesitated.

"Yeah. It's fine with me." He said opening the door. I got in and Mark followed after me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled and then he told the driver what I assumed was his address. It didn't take us long before we got there. "Well this is my stop. Did you want to stay the night? I have room."

I shook my head. "No thank you. I'll be fine at a hotel. Plus I need to do. . . um. . . some business work."

He gave me a questioning look, but shrugged his shoulders. "Alright suit yourself. My offer will still stand if you change your mind." I nodded and then he went on his way.

"Where to?" I jumped. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine." I laughed. "What hotel would you recommend?"

"Well there's one not to far from here. So if you did change your mind, you could get here quickly." After the cabbie finished telling me this he started to drive.

We were right near the city, and it looked amazing. I smiled and looked out the window. All of a sudden, I heard a car horn, and everything went black.

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