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It really should have been me. It's all my fault. He died because of some stupid fight over a boy who I liked. He was protecting me, and I was blind to it. To top it off, he loved me. He was always there beside me for a reason, but I so oblivious to it that he just. He just died.

"He's not going to even notice you Violina!" Phillip was standing outside on the porch with me. He was trying to talk sense into me, yet I was too stubborn. "I don't want to see you get hurt again." He started to break down, and all I could do was watch.

"Phil, I-," I said as I reached for his arm.

"No. I don't want to hear you're sorry to me. Not when it's untrue." He moved back and out of my reach. "Go and do what you want. I won't stop you. It's your life to live anyways." He went down the stairs and to his car. Once he opened his car door, he turned back to me. "Also there was one other thing that I was going to tell you, but you can forget it." He got in his car and started to drive away.

That's when I ran. I ran to get my bike and went after him. I knew how he got when he was like this. I just want to know he gets home safely. "Please Phillip."

He turned down a road that he usually doesn't take. No one really did because of the bad curve on it. I peddled as fast as I could to keep up. He sped up even more and I didn't see any sign of him slowing down. I was out of breath, but I kept pushing myself. The curve was coming up and I didn't want him to crash, but that's exactly what happened.

I heard the metal again wood and tears started blurring my vision. No. Please no. I got to the curve and saw the car. "Phillip!" I screamed and ran where he should be. I saw him laying against the steering wheel, and I started to panic. I tried to open the door, but couldn't. "Phil?" I started banging on the window.

I started to hyperventilate. No. This can not be happening. I started looking at the lock on the door, and concentrated on it. It quickly unlocked to my surprise and then the door flung open. I couldn't believe I did that, but there wasn't time to look into what happened. I ran over to Phil and grabbed him and started to pull him out after I unbuckled his seat belt.

I hear sirens wailing in the distance. I started to softly stroke Phil's cheek. Tears started to fall onto his neck and chin. I leaned over him and cried. "Why? Why!" I took a shaky breath and let it out, and the sirens got closer. "Phil," I whispered. "Please say something. Anything."

He stirred and I felt his hand on my neck. I sat up and looked at him. He smiled and I returned it. "Phil? Please stay with me." He tried to talk but couldn't at that moment.

He pointed at his car and I looked to see what he was gesturing to. "What?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but there was only air. He tried again. "There's . . . a note . . . in the . . . compartment." He took in another sharp inhale. "I was . . . going to . . . give it to you." I didn't move, and he smiled at me. "About that thing . . . that I was going . . . to say. It's that. . .I love you, Violina."

My heart skipped a beat. He loves me? He started to cough, and the ambulance was right down the street. "I love you, too. So stay with me. Don't quit on me, alright?" He started to laugh.

"I'd never do that. I'll always be. . . right. . . beside. . .you." He took one more breath in and out. The ambulance pulled up, and he went limp. I started to cry more and held him to me.

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