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Violina's P.O.V.

"Matt wanted to know what happened." Mark got off me and helped me up. "I told him that I wasn't going to tell him until you woke up. Thought that it was the best thing to do. I mean you know why they came after you like that."

I thought for a moment. Why would they come after me like that? Did mom. . . no she couldn't have. Right? "I think my mom was waiting for me to call. She knew exactly when I was going to call, and tracked it down. That's how the police found me like that. Knowing my mom she probably told them that it was urgent." Like I was kidnapped when I wasn't.

I sighed, and Mark slid his hand into mine. "It's okay. I promise you that they aren't going to take you away. I will fight if I have to." I looked up and met his gaze. He was being serious, and it really reminded me of Phil. My  heart skipped, and I smiled.

"Thank you." He led me down stairs to the living room, and there were two people on the couch. They were laughing about something that we didn't hear. One had dark brown hair, which looked black. The other had light brown hair.

"Matt, Ryan, this is. ." Mark started.

"Violina." I finished. They introduced themselves and we sat down on the other couch.

"Not to be rude or anything, but what exactly happened?" Ryan asked, taking a sip of water.

Mark cleared his throat. "Well. ."

"We were eating and four police officers came into where we were. I looked at them, and they saw me and it was like they were searching for me. I didn't know why at the time, but now I do." I took a breath, and adjusted in the seat. "Practically my mom thinks I have been kidnapped."

"Even though, if you were actually kidnapped, you wouldn't be at a theme park." Matt said.

"Exactly. So I think she knows what happened to my dad. The question is, does she know that it was an accident?" I looked at Matt and Ryan, and it looked like they wanted a full explanation. I sighed. "Don't freak out." They gave me a questioning look, then looked at each other, and back to me.

"Guys seriously. It's really cool." Mark said, and smiled.

I lifted my hand and concentrated on the water that was in my cup. I flicked my hand up and it lifted up into the air in a ball. They watched in shock and amazement, and I brought the water to my arm. I let it swirl around it, and put it back in my cup. I then made a flame, and they moved back.

"It won't burn you." I held it out towards them, and they looked at each other again. "It'll be cold to the touch." Matt hesitated, and stuck his hand out. He jumped back, but smiled.

"Ryan you got to touch it. It feels awesome." Matt looked at Ryan with excitement.

"Alright." He shook his head, and touched the flame. He smiled, and sat back. I closed my hand, and smoke escaped from the creases in my hand.

"My dad and I got into a fight over me going to this certain college, and how it was a family tradition to go there and stuff. We started a yelling match and that's when it happened. At the time, I didn't know that I could hurl stuff across the room without touching it, but I found out really quick." I started to run my fingers through my hair. "I blinked and he had a knife in his head."

I looked down, and started thinking. Why am I being so open to these guys? I don't even know them, and I've already told them what happened to drive me here. Yet I feel like I can trust them to not tell anyone. I heard someone clap, and I looked up.

It was Matt. "Well, it's getting late so I think we will be going." He looked over at Ryan, who was trying to figure out why they were leaving.

"Guys you can stay here for the night if you want." Mark said as the boys got up.

"I think you guys need some time alone." He winked at Mark.

Mark opened his mouth to say something, but shut it quickly. "Fine. Just lock the door on your way out." They said their goodbyes, and closed the front door.

"What was that about?" I looked at Mark who had his head in his hand. I sighed and decided not to push the question further.

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