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When we got to the pier, I could smell the food and the ocean waves. It wasn't really cold out, so I was okay. We started walking down the boardwalk and headed toward the end of the pier. There was people everywhere, and there were two girls there who kept giving me looks. Like I wasn't supposed to be there. I just looked down, and Mark put his arm around my shoulders protectively.

The girls didn't look away, and they instead came up to us. They put on fake smiles and both said, "Hey Mark!" They glanced at me, and scowled. Once Mark said something, they acted like they didn't do anything.

"Hi. Would you like a photograph or something?" He looked uncomfortable.

"Can you sign this for us?" They handed him a piece of paper and gave him a pen. I could catch it on fire if I really wanted to, but I didn't want Mark to get hurt. They look at me fully and stuck their tongues out. Mark quickly stood up straight and handed them the pen and paper back. "What's wrong?" They tried to act innocent, but Mark saw what they did.

"If you're going to be disrespectful to my friend, then you're being disrespectful to me." He put his arm around me again, and gripped onto my arm. Pain shot through it, but I stayed quiet out of fear.

They scoffed and looked me up and down. "As if." I looked down. "She can't even defend herself. She's pathetic."

"Leave now." Mark's voice had gotten a bit deeper than it was before. His jaw was tight and he had fire in his eyes.

The girls laughed, but they were nervous. "Whatever. Let's go."

Mark eased up and let go of me. My arm felt like needles were in it, and I grit my teeth. "Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't want you to get hurt."

I smiled at him, and took his hand in mine. "It's ok. Thank you." He looked at me with caring eyes, and I laughed. "Seriously I'm ok."

He sighed. "Alright. Shall we get to walking." He started swinging his arms as he began to walk again. I covered my mouth and laughed. "Come on, I heard that there was some treasure around here somewhere."

I jogged to catch up to him. "What treasure?" He started walking normal again, and just continued to walk. I gave him a grumpy look. "Tell me." He continued to look forward and walk. I got in front of him and put my hands on his chest to make him stop. "Please tell me what it is?"

He chuckled. "Well we aren't there yet, but this is just a pit stop. Since it is about two," he pointed to the building on the right. "Maybe we can get something to eat really quick." It was already two? I looked over to where he was pointing. Pier Burger? Sounded nice. He led me inside and we waited for a table.

The waiter took our order and we ate. "How did those girls know you? If you don't mind my asking, that is." I took a bite out of my burger.

"I have a YouTube channel called Markiplier. I play video games, sometimes make vlogs, and do skits on it." He took a swig of his drink. "Ignore them though. They are the ones who bully everyone. Most of the community isn't like that."

I nodded my head. We finished eating and then went back onto the boardwalk. "Now we can finish looking for the treasure?" I said linking my arm with his.

"Yes, and we shall skip to it!" He started to skip and I tripped, but quickly got my balance back. We both laughed, and got to the end of the pier. I saw some rides, and Mark dragged me over to a ticket booth. We got some tickets, and started heading over to the roller coaster. We waited in line and another girl came up to us.

"H-hi Mark." She started to shake. I smiled at her and put a hand on her back to try and help calm her down.

"He's a big teddy bear. There's nothing to be nervous about." I laughed and she soon did too.

"Teddy bear my ass. I'm a strong man. The strongest of them all." He flexed and acted like he was tough. I rolled my eyes and punched him gently. "Alright, I'll stop." He focused on the girl, and he took a picture with her.

"Thank you so much." She waved at us as she went on her way. We waved back and then we got on the roller coaster. Mark started screaming every time we would go down a hill, and I almost died of laughter. When we got off we went on the Pacific Wheel.

Well this is going to be weird as all hell. We got on and it stopped at the very top. "There's the treasure. Well, one of them." He pointed to the sunset. It was amazing. The sky was pink and purple, and a few clouds here and there. The sun was touching the water, and it was a golden orange color. I leaned against the side of the cart, and took it in.

"Thank you, Mark." I looked over at him and smiled. I returned my attention back to the sunset. "Honestly, I'm surprised."

"About what?" He leaned forward a bit.

"That you actually called me your friend." I looked back at him, and moved so I was back in front of him.

"Well I'm also not one to judge too quickly." We started to move again, and got off. He wrapped his arm around me, and we went back to his house.

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