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Twinz © 2013 YiEn

All rights reserved

This book, "Twinz", including all chapters, epilogues and associated contents are copyrighted. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work, and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copy right. Any infringement of this copy right is punished by law.

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Hey guys...I decided to try something new by writing a story about twins... I hope it will be more successful and also hope that I will have more time to write this story!! Please support me!




Samantha's POV

Most people would find it really awesome to have a twin, but not me.

Not all the time anyways...

My sister and I have always been close and she's my best friend who I can count on whenever i need her. And we never hide anything from each other. I mean ANYTHING. We tell each other everything and that was what made us so close.

Those are only the pros to having a twin. And the cons? Let me tell you.

We have to share everything together. And I mean literally EVERYTHING. When we were two, we had to share our tutus because mom said that since our dance lessons are on different days, there won't be a need to buy two tutus. And when we were three,our aunt bought us a water gun. The problem was not the gun, but us.

Like always, we fought over who should take the gun cause there was only one. And to solve our everyday arguments over the gun, mom decided to make a time table on who should take the gun on which day. That ended our little dispute for just awhile...

And another con that always annoys the hell out of us is that people always mistaken one of us for the other. We moved a lot in the past,and when we finally decided to settle down in a small town in California, we decided to have our neighbors over.

When they came, my sis was not at home. I went to answer the door and the family at the door called me Amanda. I was about to tell them that I was not Amanda, but before I had the chance to tell them that, mom had ushered them into the house.

Later on,the son had a crush on me, which was "Amanda". And of course when Amanda knew about it, she was overjoyed to have a person crushing on her. I would too if I had a crush...

Hey... We were only thirteen at that time...

The only problem was that he kept on thinking that I was Amanda. And that created one hell of a drama. Which obviously annoyed the hell out of me and Manda just felt disappointed...

How could anyone not? When someone has a crush on you but mistakens you as someone else... That is just sad...

Anyway, back to the point. My sister and I are twins as you can guess. My name is Samantha and hers is Amanda.

My sister got my dad's genes,so they are more outgoing and social. I got my mom's so I am more quiet and reserved. Manda is a member in the school council and she is also a cheerleader.


Nah.... I'm in none.

I tend to keep to myself and that makes me a little anti-social. Only when Manda dragged me with her to the council meetings, would I talk to someone there to relieve my boredom. The other times? None. I won't start a conversation, only if someone talks to me then I would reply.

I would prefer to stay at home and read a book while Manda prefers to go out and shop with her friends or she would go out with guys.

She has tons of friends while I only have two best friends. Shereen and Ally. They are the closest to me other than Manda. With her in cheerleading, she has way many friends than me as you can tell.

In school, Manda is the popular one while I am the nobody. She is the prettier one and I am just plain ol me. Many guys went after her and I lost count to how many guys she hooked up with during these 8 years that we moved here. While me on the other hand had none.

I haven't even had my first kiss let gone a date. No guys ever notice me for me. They only know me as Amanda's sister but not Samantha.

Its sad.... But I got used to it after a while, and don't give a shit if anyone notices me.

Less drama in that way...

Today was the first day of my senior year in Wellington High and also just another ordinary day for me.

I woke up, ate breakfast, went to school and was ignored by everyone else other than Shereen and Ally.

Classes were the same... Boring as always. I already knew most of it as I learnt all the stuff in advance since my nose was always stuck in a book and that gave me plenty of time to study extra stuff. It's one way to ease my boredom and also serve as a self-learning purpose.

I don't really care about make up or clothes or shoes or how I look. I also don't spend half an hour to an hour in my room trying to make myself look perfect for the day. The fact is, I don't give a shit about how I look to try to impress the opposite sex.

All they ever bring along is drama..

I hate dramas... They bring along heartbreaks and they're relationship and friendship breakers.

How did I know?

Let's just say that I've been through a lot and I don't wish to put up with more.

I locked my heart away the day he left.

And I promise myself that I won't ever go through something like that again.

Feelings are weaknesses. Maybe not to everyone, but to me, yes. It is one of my greatest weaknesses.

Feelings will take you down.

They make you feel vulnerable, make you feel weak and lonely.

And I wish to never feel that way again.

This year is going to be a new start.

A new beginning...

I hope...


Please do comment and vote!!! It will boost my confidence more and it will encourage me to update faster!

I am trying to use this story to improve on my writing so if anyone has any opinion on the story or spotted any mistakes please do comment and i will try my best to consider the opinions and correct the mistakes!

I really hope that this story will be a hit and that people like it so please give me a chance!

Sorry... I am ranting here...

But please do remember that your opinion counts!

You can also message me and tell me what you think if you're not comfortable enough to comment... And please please DO NOT advertise your work here because it is disrespectful. Thanks a lot for the understanding!^^

I would really appreciate it!!!

Btw thanks to my editor Thea! If not for her, I would have many grammar mistakes!

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xlaughingclownx ^^

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