Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Sam's POV

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, as usual. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and dressed for school. Went down for breakfast alone. Again. Manda had left a note for me on the kitchen table saying that she would be leaving early with her friends and asked me to hitch a ride with one of my friends.

I sent a text to Al, asking her if she could pick me up for school. Even though I could walk to school as my house was only a 20 minutes walk to school. I really wanted to spend more time with my friends so that I wouldn't feel so lonely all the time, as Manda and mom rarely talks to me at home much less stay at home. It's like this whole house belongs to me now as I'm like the only one who actually comes home everyday.

Al returned my text with an "okay". Ten minutes later, a honk sounded. I rushed out of the house to meet Al.

"Hey!" I greeted Al, trying to be as cheerful as possible.

Al sensed my fake enthusiasm and asked me in concern, " Hey, you okay?" She sighed when she realised what spoilt my mood this early morning, " Manda left early again this morning didn't she?"

Suddenly, there was a big lump in my throat, not trusting my voice, I only nodded. Not wanting to dampen her mood, I changed the topic.

"So... How's Zach?" I teased. Zach is Al's crush. They have been talking these few days due to an art project as they had been paired up. From I can remember, Al had always been crushing on Zach. She had set her eyes on him during the first week of high school. The sad part was that Zach belonged in the "popular" group while we belong in the "nobody" group. As you can guess, Zach and Al did not talk at all. Actually, Zach did not even know that Al existed until these few days. Shocking, I know. But this shows how different the two groups are. One group everyone knows and the other no one bothered to know. I mean he is a jock and she is a, ah nobody.

She blushed upon hearing Zach's name. " He's good... Why?"

"Oh nothing... Actually the real question is how are you two getting along? Positive or negative?"

"Erm... I wouldn't say positive or negative. Maybe in-between?" She paused before continuing to gush about how great he was. " He even asked me what I thought about the topic that we chose and what I suggest we should draw. And when I told him that we could draw something romantic, he said that that was a great idea! He is such a gentleman!"

I grinned. Seeing Al happy always made me happy. " Hmmm... Maybe he is interested in you?" I offered, not wanting to crush her hope, because chances of him getting together with her are really little. Like maybe 10% chance or so. Because Zach would never look at Al in that way. Even if he did, he wouldn't abandon his popularity for Al. It's either that or in front of his friends, he would treat Al like a nobody, but behind, he would care for Al and apologize. I hate these type of double face people. They are annoying as hell. It's like you can never figure them out... Not easily anyway.

After the topic about Zach, Al seemed more cheerful than usual. We arrived in school shortly and walked inside to meet Sher. As usual, we walked to my locker where Sher was waiting for us. I thought that today was going to be a normal day but boy was I wrong. According to Sher, there was this really hot new student who was in the office now collecting his schedule. I shook my head, trust Sher to know all these stuffs...

" He looks smoking hot I'm telling ya! He has dark brown hair which looks so soft that you just want to run your fingers through it and his body is to die for! Bet he has a six pack judging from the way his t-shirt hugged his body perfectly. And his eyes, they are like so blue! Like sapphire blue!" Sher gushed non-stop about how good looking that guy was. I'm not interested to be in a relationship or any involvement with the opposite sex, so I just shrugged and listened while she ranted. On the other hand, Al is listening attentively to what Sher was saying. Both of them are like boy crazy. When they are around good-looking guys, they would stutter and say some nonsense. That was one reason why both of them never had a boyfriend before. We walked to our homeroom and sat down in our seats. I was completely zoned out on Sher while Al and her was talking like they have not spoken to each other in 20 years!

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