Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Sam's POV

This cannot be happening to me! I'm dreaming! Yes that must be it! If this is a dream, then I hope that I woke up quickly because I can't stand another minute of this torture.

I was frozen on the spot when he came out from behind Daniel, and to hear him speak to me again like we were long lost best friend made me want to run. Two pairs of eyes were on me,waiting for my reply after Josh had greeted me. One looked at me with concern and worry and the other with amusement and fascination.

I opened my mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. I opened and closed my mouth several times, trying to find my voice. After the awhile, I finally managed to choke out my name. Pathetic, I know.

"Hey, you ok?" Daniel finally asked me in concern.

I was still shocked to see Josh, so I only nodded. "Do you want to sit down? You look kind of pale." Daniel added.

I shook my head and said, "No it's ok. I'm fine." I looked at Daniel, totally ignoring Josh and his amused glances at me and added, "Can we head off now? Cause I don't want to disturb your cousin after his long day of flight." I tried to came up with an excuse to leave his house because I desperately want to go home.

Sensing my change of mood, Daniel frowned with worry. "Are you sure you're ok? If you're not well, we could cancel our date and we could meet another time." He walked over to me and grabbed my elbows. "Or you could stay over and rest. We won't mind. Right?" He turned to Josh, making sure that he won't mind.

"Oh yes! I don't mind at all. I've been sleeping all day and I think that it's time to have some fun. Besides, it would be even more interesting to talk to someone that I'll be seeing for the rest of the semester, don't you think?" Josh smirked at me which made me feel out of my comfort zone.

I shuffled my feet and looked away, not trusting myself to look at Josh because I knew that I could break down any minute. I can't be around him, not when I'm like this. I'm not prepared to face him, not yet.

I looked up at the both of them and shook my head. I then turned to look directly at Daniel, trying my best to ignore Josh and said in my firmest voice, "I think I'll pass. I just remembered that I had forgotten something." Without waiting for a reply, I rushed out of Daniel's house with him hot on my heels calling my name.

I did not hear him calling or come after me but I felt it. I did not look back or slow down, my sole focus was to get back home safe and sound where I'll hide in my room, where nothing could touch or hurt me.

15 minutes later, I was at home, being swarmed with questions about why I'm home early by Al and Sher. I was kind of hoping that they had left, but it turns out they were lounging in my living room waiting for me to come back. Sly little creatures...

"What happened?" Al asked worriedly.

"Why are you home so early? Did the date go well?" Sher added.

I ignored them and ran up the stairs to my room with both of them following me. I straight away crawled into bed once I'm in my room. After a moment, I felt my bed dipped and looked up, only to see two pairs of concerned and confused eyes.

"Guys... Can you just leave alone for a while? I don't want to talk about it." I whispered softly.

Seeing the look on my face, they said no more other than telling me that they would be leaving.

After they left, I finally had sometime to think about what happened today.

He came back. What am I suppose to do? Act like how he acted earlier or pretend that I don't know him and ignore him?

I don't know. I missed him. A lot. More than anyone could imagine. But he left me once and I don't think I could ever forgive for doing that.

But now he's back. What am I suppose to do? Will I get hurt again? I don't know. But I know that this time, I would make sure to stay out of his way. I don't want a repeat of what happened years ago. I was naive back then, but now, I learnt my lessons the hard way and I will make sure I do not repeat the same mistakes again. I'm not that little girl anymore who had fallen under those mesmerizing blue eyes and sweet talks.

To prevent my heart from shattering again, I will have to ignore him no matter what. I can't let him woo me in again and I won't fall under his spell.

But sometimes what the mind wants is different from what the heart wants, and that was what I'm afraid of most. I'm afraid of loosing my heart again...

Let's just hope that when I fall, there would be someone there to cushion my fall... Let's hope...


Hi guys. So sorry for the super late update and the super short chapter. You have no idea how busy it is to start school after so many months of holiday. It was torture!!!

Anyways, I think that this chapter is not as nice as the previous one but I tried my best and that's the best I could. I'm so sorry if this chapter was not what you guys expected but I am like seriously brain dead and I can't come up with anything better for this chapter. I'm so sorry... I promise to update a better chapter next time!

And please please please don't forget to vote and comment. Tell me what you think ok? I don't mind bad comments too^^

~xlaughingclownx ~

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