Chapter Fourteen

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I am going to spare you guys of the reasons, or so called "excuses" to me not updating for so long because I really don't have any. But I just want to say that I am really really glad for all the votes I received and reads I got for the last chapter! I AM THRILLED! I was OVER THE MOON this past few weeks because I was amazed, like WOW! I want to thank you guys so so much for voting and reading my book! And I especially want to thank those who take time to comment because I replied to EVERY SINGLE ONE of your comments! You guys really made my days:)

And the bad news is that I don't know when the next update will be because my exam is coming in a few weeks and it's really important for me to get good results because for next year I have streaming, like a changing of classes and subject, and for some of the subject combo I have to get a certain result to be able to choose it. BUT, yes there is a but, I will maybe try to squeeze in another filler chapter if I get enough support from you guys! So hurry and click vote and comment! XD

But anyways here's the next chapter! Enjoy<3

Chapter Fourteen

By the end of the day my eyes are swollen, my nose is blocked with some mucus. Overall I don't look like a superstar. I look more like a person who had been locked up in a cage for few days without food and water. I decided to lounge in the living room to entertain myself with some TV. Luckily, Pretty Litte Liars is on and that managed to make me feel a hundred times better.

I was following closely with what was going on before mom came home looking tired and beat. I looked up to see her walking up the stairs without a single glance in my direction and sighed. Why do I bother? I dropped my head onto the sofa and stared at the ceiling. And that is how Manda found me to be when she came home half an hour later, with some unfinished pizza in her hands.

She walked towards me and raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" I ask her impatiently.

She shook her head and walked away. I rolled my eyes at her retreating back. I mean what did I expect? That she will care for me suddenly? Or that she finally realises that she has a sister? Who is also sick by the way. I should really not keep my hopes up. It will just crush me in the end.

I stayed in the living room for another half an hour before heading up to my room and listen to some music. I took out my iPod and plugged my earpiece in while playing one of my favourite songs.

When the chorus came on I sang along with it, trying to forget who I am and just drown in the beauty of the lyrics.

This slope is treacherous,

This path is reckless.

This slope is reckless,

I, I, I like it.

This song is so beautiful, if only I know how to play the guitar or any type of instrument, I would definitely learn it. This song is about how love can be treacherous and dangerous, but you still want to risk everything for it. I once thought that love was a beautiful thing but now? I think that it has destroyed me, it took away my everything. My dad, my mom, my sister, my family and most importantly my happiness. So why bother about it when it has done nothing but destroy my life bit by bit? Don't you think so?

Love is complicated and it's risky, why would people want to fall in love? Or much less love someone? What if they leave? What if they broke your heart? There are so many risks and I just don't understand why people still risk it despite the fact that they could be hurt and scarred deeply.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts and I sighed in irritation. I picked it up without checking who was calling and snapped "What?" And I immediately regret it because what greeted me was not a particularly irritating voice, instead it was the concerned voice of Daniel.

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