Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Sam's POV

It turns out that Daniel is in most of my classes. We shared 6 out of 9 periods together and in each class, he's either sitting beside, in front or behind me. It's like all the teachers planned it that way, as a form of torture for me or it could be that I only shared two classes with Al and Sher, and the fact that no one wants to sit near me because I am a "loser". He is a pretty nice guy, easy to talk to and also easy on the eye. I'm not complaining about the fact that a super good looking boy is sitting near me in all the classes we shared, it's just that I'm terrified.

Daniel looked so much like him that sometimes it hurt to even look at him much less talk to him. He made all those locked up feelings resurface again after all these years of bottling them up. I didn't want to feel that way ever again. I hated every moment of it. The loneliness and feeling lost all the time. They drove me crazy.

We made small talks during lessons. Well... Most of the time he started the conversation while I answered him with a small nod or a brief yes or no. I tried to look interested in what he was saying most of the time even though I wished that a hole would swallow me up. He stopped his attempt after a while knowing that all I ever did is nod and reply with a short answer. I don't blame him. I'm a hard person to talk to.

Despite the pathetic attempts, I still managed to know some stuff about him. He was from New York, transferred here because of his parents' job. He would be attending his senior year here in Wellington High and maybe college too, if his parents decided in staying. He also had a cousin who will be coming to our school next week. He said that his cousin wanted to tag along and that he wanted to finish his senior year in the town he grew up in. Maybe get a chance to meet up with some people he knew. At the mention of his cousin, it sparked a little curiosity in me. I wonder why he wants to come back now? After those years he moved, shouldn't he already made many friends in New York? And if he is as good looking as Daniel, shouldn't he already have a girlfriend? I couldn't help myself, wondering about Daniel's cousin.

Unfortunately, for English class, we were paired up for the project. Damn my stupid idea. I should have kept my mouth closed if I knew that Ms Evers was going to take my idea into consideration. She rarely cares about what my opinion is and I don't see much difference this time. Maybe it's because of Daniel. From the look on Ms Evers' face when he introduced himself, he must be really good in English. Because Ms Evers rarely smiles at people, the only students she smiled at are those top in class. Me? That's a different story.

Maybe she thinks that by pairing me up with Daniel, perhaps, there's a chance of me improving my English, or maybe she is just evil. She could also be doing me a favor if I look on the bright side. Maybe she thinks that I don't talk too much and having a new student paired with me will encourage me more, seeing that a new student always ask a lot of questions. Daniel is different though, he never presses me into talking when I don't feel like it, and I'm grateful to him for that. And today just had to be the first day of our project. I invited him over after school as I knew that no one would be at home and we could concentrate more and get this project over with.

When the day ended, I walked to the parking lot alone. I told Al and Sher that they didn't have to wait up for me because I'm going home with Daniel. When I told them that, Al shot me a questioning look while Sher just wiggled her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes at them and said goodbye.

I saw Daniel at the far end of the parking lot, leaning against his car, which I must say, looks beautiful. I don't know much about cars but I could tell that the car must have cost him a fortune.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"Hey." I greeted back.

"Ready to go? Need anything else?" He asked.

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