Chapter Seventeen- Part 1

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Due to the overwhelming response, reads and votes I got, I decided that you guys deserve this chapter:) can't believe TWINZ is #192 in humor! Highest rank I've ever got! So thankiew guys so much! Keep the love coming<3

Since some of you want to know what happen to Manda and Stacey, I shall do Manda's POV. So enjoy:) Oh and this chapter is dedicated to @feelsforharry for being the first person to wish me a happy birthday. I was so touched so thankiew<3


Chapter Seventeen

Manda's POV

I was hurt. Terribly hurt.

Not physically, but mentally. I can feel my heart breaking when Sam brushed me off this morning, especially after I had make such an effort to be nice.

It hurts to know that your sister's only thought of you is selfish. It hurts to know that the first thought that came to her mind when I speak to her is because of Stacey's request. Why must it be like that?

I often ask myself, is it worth it to throw away our relationship just because I don't want her to know that one tiny little secret?

At school, today is no different. Stacey is going all detective on me. Asking me really unnecessary questions. Like "Where is she?" "What is she doing?" I mean how would I know? Not like we have telepathy or anything. We are twins not some kind of supernatural creature that can mind link each other. But how cool would that be if we could?

She got on my nerve when she finally snapped. I was not paying attention to her at all throughout the whole day because my attention is focused on Sam and Daniel. It hurts me to think that I will be the very last person to know about her secrets and her relationship status. Daniel and her seem to be really close these few days and I can't help but wonder if they are a thing.

Sam is always the shy and naive type, she will believe anything people say and she always see the good in people. I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel take advantage of her. She is too gullible for her own good. And the fact that I'm not there to prevent her from hurting, preventing her from a heart break, make me more miserable than I already am.

And Daniel is not the only one ogling at Sam, I can see that. Josh is also ogling at her too. Whenever he get the chance, he would sneak a glance at her, and if he saw Daniel and her getting a little cozy, his jaw will be clenched tightly.

From the way he is reacting, it seems like they had a history, a past that I don't know of. Who can I blame? Only myself. If I had been there for her for the past few years, maybe I won't be as clueless about her as I am now.

"Are you f*cking listening to me?!" Stacey spat.

My eyes grew wide with fear as I stare at her. "Er yea yea... I am ." I stuttered out. I know I'm really pathetic, being afraid of Stacey. I'm not proud of it but there is little I can do. Stacey has so much power in this school that it is scary. She will make your life a living hell if you dare to cross her path. I've watched it happen before, and believe me, it's not pretty.

"Then repeat what I just said." She glared.

"Er... You said something about your shoes? And something about Josh.. Er yea.." I stuttered out lamely, even though I know that it is definitely not what she was saying, but I still said it anyways.

"You little piece of sh!t. How dare you treat me like that?! I was talking for God sake! And when I am talking, I expect you to listen!" She spat at me, making me cringe.

I nod my head meekly, not wanting to open my mouth and anger her further. "What?! Cat got your tongue?!" She asked, furious at my lack of response.

"No... No.." I answered quietly.

"Then speak up for God sake! What is so important for you to think so hard that you have to ignore me for so long?! I have tolerated you since morning and I can't stand it anymore! So speak!" She demanded as she put her hands on her hips.

"Nothing. Nothing important." I mumbled. Not wanting her to know that I was thinking about Sam, because if she did, she would make sure that Sam will not be the only thing that occupies my mind. She will make me pay for disobeying her. For breaking her one and only, most important rule. That is: Never think about my sister, never speak of my sister, unless I was asked.


I know... I'm pathetic. Being controlled by someone like her. What is wrong with me?! I wonder about that sometimes too. Why can't I just stand up for myself?

The answer is easy. I can't. Not if I want her to spill the secret that I so desperately want to hide. Sam would hate me even more if she knows about it afterwards.

"If it's nothing important, you better not make mistakes like this again, because if you do, you do not want to know what I'm going to do with you." She threatened, as a chill run down my spine.


People are afraid of different things. They fear different things. Some have a fear of bugs, some have a fear of height, and even fear of the dark.

But what about mine? I fear my own so-called-best friend. I fear what she can do to me. I fear the amount of control she has over me, and most of all, I fear her. Fear her as a person.

If anyone got hold of my fear, they would laugh at me. And they would probably peg my fear as "silly". But this is not silly. Stacey can be anyone's nightmare if she chooses to be.

People would also wonder why can't I just unfriend her? Simple right? Unfriend her and escape my biggest fear.

But it's not. Not simple at all. The cost of unfriending her is too high. The risk is too high. Even though I may not like my popularity as I once reveled in it, but I still don't want to end up at the bottom of the food chain where I am invisible. It's horrible.

Not only that, she will make sure that I will be scared to come to school for the rest of my high school. I will not have a moment of peace at all.

The horrible thing she did to those who turned against her. It chills me just thinking about it.

When I finally managed to make up a lame excuse, she let me off. Not before issuing me another warning and threat, not being a mood lifter at all.

I reached home early. And just my luck, Sam was at the stairs when I came in. When she saw my face, she knew immediately that something had happened, and from the look she is giving me, she is curious.

This time, I can't help but brush her off, "I don't want to talk about it." I muttered before going up the stairs to my room.

I plopped down on my bed and rvelled in its comfort. Different mixed emotions run through me as I lay there, just thinking about things. Things that went wrong, things that are still the same.

A wave of regret filled me as I thought of Sam. There are many things that I can't control, but I ruined the only thing that I can control. The love, the friendship that I had with my sister is destroyed because of me. Because of my fears and because of my selfish thinking. Also because I thought that what I was doing is right. Ohhh how wrong I was.

And to think about the state we are in now, it brought me to tears. I may have destroyed the most beautiful thing that was shared between twins, but I'm determined to restore it. I'm determined to bring it back, and not let it be destroyed any further.

I'm going to be Bob the builder, fix it Felix or whatever thing that can fix things. No more hiding, and no more wrecking, just fixing...

With that thought in mind, I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ok so maybe this chapter is short, but I updated! That's a good thing right?

I don't know when the next update will be but look forward to it!

I love you guys loads and please be patient with me! After all, I'm only a kid8D


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