Chapter Seventeen- Part 2

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Omfg I am finally back!!! Miss me? Jkjk HAHAHAH


Lemme just briefly explain why I was on hiatus for so long...

Okay first, I was just plain bored and lazy HAHAHA sorry for that😅

Then I started reading and watching anime because my deskmate started influencing me to like anime. And then I got addicted to it and I neglected Wattpad for a while... IM TERRIBLY SORRY!!!!😂

Then when I finally got my head back, I fell sick.😂 I was like a zombie for a whole week. I wasn't able to do anything. NOTHING AT ALL😂


But anyways, I will TRY to finish this book before June:) I seriously don't want to drag anymore... So even though I might not update as often, I'm going to update longer chapters so that there will be lesser chapters and more plot.

Would you guys mind if I put some tragedy?😂 It will be fun HAHAHHA. It's just a thought tho:3 A VERY TEMPTING ONE!

But anyways, enjoy!

Vote and comment kay???

Xoxoxo xlaughingclownx


Chapter Seventeen- Part 2

Sam's POV

The next morning I woke up to a pair of panda eyes. That's what I get for staying up staring at my ceiling and thinking about everything.

Why am I like the only one worrying and over thinking things? Manda never seem to have eye bags. She always look perfect no matter what.

I drag my feet all the way to the bathroom to clean myself up. I sighed at the sight in front of me when I looked at the mirror.

How the hell do I look so manage to look like that?! I asked myself as I took in my tangled bed hair, drooping eyes, shoulders slumped, and not to forget the dried up saliva at the corner of my mouth.

Geez. Horrifying. Absolutely horrifying.

Today is going to be another tiresome and boring day.

When I got to school, Ally, Shereen and Daniel are all crowded at my locker, deeply in conversation. I frowned at that when I saw the seriousness of the looks on their faces. They must be discussing a serious topic seeing that they have no smile on their faces. All solemn and serious, making me even scared to approach them.

As I walk closer, Shereen caught my eyes and waved me over, immediately, Daniel and Ally stopped talking.

This make me even more curious to what they are talking about. What could be so important and serious that they had to stop before I arrive?

"Hey guys. What are you guys whispering about?" I asked curiously.

The three of them looked at each other for a moment, as if they are mind linking, before Ally sighed in defeat. Like as if they came to the conclusion that Ally should be the one to tell me whatever they were discussing.

"Hey so.. Ya.." Ally started.

"What? Just say it already!" I said impatiently.

"Stacey'sangrywithMandabecauseofyouandnowthewholeschoolistalkingaboutit." She said in one breathe.

"What? Do you mind saying it slower?" I asked, as I did not manage to catch anything that Ally just said.

"Er... Stacey's angry with Manda because of you and now the whole school is talking about it." Ally said, slower this time.

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