Uh oh

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C A M E R O *
"I love your curls" she mumbled running her fingers through them I smirked "curls get the girls" I said winking.

She rolled her eyes "I know, Eli told me how you would say that back in year eight" I smiled.

"Would you to stop being all sappy n shit I'm trying to eat here!" Elena said looking like the grouch with French bread hanging out of her mouth.

"Stop being a pig your just jealous" she burst out laughing hysterically laughing.

"Jealous of you? I love your jokes" she grinned and I rolled my eyes "crazy woman" I mumbled and Kat chuckled.

It was around twelve and later we are going into the lake again.

"Katherine I still don't get it, you could of went with Niles but you stuck with my cousin" Elena said shaking her head.

I wrapped my arms around Kat "she's mine"

"Do I look like a dog to you?" Kat raised her brow crossing her arms.

"Yes cause your a bitch" Elena shouted in the back ground I stifled the laughter that wanted to come out of my mouth Kat flipped her arms and laid her head on my chest.

"Who has my coke?!" Ellen's screeched.

I spat out the coke my eyes widening "here we go again.." Kat said shaking her head she got up and went to get some food.

"Fuck" I mumbled under her breath.

She eyed me like a lioness watching her prey I froze her glared can be so fucking scary she made me piss myself once because I made fun of her period stains.

"I'm giving you a minute to run" and I bolted she came running right after me, she was on the track team so bloody fast.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me back I yelped as she punched my back "are you stupid?!"

I rolled my eyes grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulders.

She banged her fist into my back but I just kept walking "let me down!"

"It wasn't yours you didn't leave your jame on it"

"Wait..I didn't?" She thought for a second and cursed under her breath.

"Your wearing swim wear yeah?" I asked as I smirked.

"Yeah why?"

"Don't drown" I said before throwing her in.

E L E N A*
I screamed as he threw me I hit the water and was under.

I'm going to feed his non existent balls to a bunch of seagulls!

I swam back up to see him laughing and Kat snickering.

"I hate you asshole!" I shouted clenching my fist.

"Love you to asscheek!"

I swam around in peace the water was so clear and blue.

Than there was a splash next to me. I jumped in surprise and Nathan was laughing hid hair was soaked and droplets dripping down his neck I just wanted to kiss them away.

I got out to take my shorts and tee off than threw them on the stone and than dived back into the water.

I swam back up running my formers through my know knotted hair pushing it out of my face Nathan stared at me.

"Take a photo it will last longer" I said mimicking his manly tone.

He rolled his gorgeous hazel eyes a smile playing on his lips.

We swam further down the river until I was pushed gently against the rocks.

I gasped when he smashed his pout wet lips against mine.

He slid his tongue in and I let it explore my mouth his taste of Vanilla making me moan.

He pulled away and began trailing kisses down my neck.

I hummed my arms around his neck my eyes closed every kiss left like a burn and I just craved more.

"Nathan...what are we-oh God" he kissed my sweet spot sucking it i gasped.

He looked up at me his forehead against mine our noses touching.

"I know this isn't the best place..but will you be my girlfriend Elena Jasmine Summer?"

" I would love to" I than reconnected my lips to his and trailed it along his jaw my hands on his muscles tracing over them.

He moaned as I kissed the water off his neck.

"Oh Elena.."he whispered and when I was just about to kiss him I quickly swam under him swimming off.

I laughed and he groaned "you tease!"

I smirked and kicked my legs "I'm so getting you back for this"

"If you can catch me!" I shouted and got out running.

Yesss there finally dating! They are so cute though.
Sorry that this chapter wasn't long.

Love, Xenia

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