Chapter One

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Cover Designed by: Jessica Edwards
Photo by: Duong Nhan at

Arianna's POV

I hated moving schools but my parents insisted that we moved towns and therefore the dreadful moving schools. I hated leaving my friends but I hated trying to make them. Worst of all I had to leave my boyfriend, Marcus Madison. He was everything I had been looking for so when my parents told me I was moving I wasn't exactly the happiest person in the world. So here I was leaning against the car with Marcus in front of me. I sigh and there is no hint of any happiness in his face.

'I can't believe your moving' he says moving closer to me.

'I know but I'm only going to be 5 hours away'

'too far I say. I won't be able to see you much'

'but we're still gonna do this right? Or are we just gonna break it off?'

'break it off?! I don't want to lose you' he pulled me into a hug fiercely. Finally my mum makes him move away from the car. I climb in with a fierce look on my face. My mum was being spiteful, she didn't like Marcus. She thought he was just using me. I watch him as we drive away. The ride there was quiet except for my little brother who was playing cars on me. I normally would have growled at him by now and told him to get off but I wasn't exactly in the mood for anything. Right now Marcus was two hours away from me. I look back to see my dad following in the big truck carrying all the beds and essential things we needed. The rest was gonna be brought down tomorrow. Dad was driving back to town but he refused to let me go. He knew I wasn't going to help him and he was right. But I continued telling him I was gonna but I knew deep down I wasn't. I'd ditch to see Marcus.

 So my mum was going with him instead and I was stuck babysitting my little brother. I was actually looking forward to it. I was gonna take him to the park which was in walking distance of our new home. I'd seen pictures of our new house and there was a lake behind it. Like the lake was our backyard. It was big fancy house and stylish. We had two pools, a big one and a small on, and we had six bedrooms all equip with their own bathrooms. I suppose that was a plus. It had three medium sized office rooms and three lounge rooms, apparently a mini-golf course to the left. Our house was on the last on the block and had the right side to itself. It also was apparently the bigger one of them all. On the opposite side, my mum had showed me pictures that she'd taken, the house continued for another four houses and then stopped and it opened into a cut off end. Apparently that was where the park was. I was excited because my parents were big spenders and they had the money to burn. They never failed to deliver. I mean me and my little brother we got everything. If we wanted to try something new my parents would buy everything that had to go with it. We really were spoilt. As I see a lake pop up I put down my book.

I gawk out the window as I spot kids playing in the lake. Apparently the public only had access to the cut off end and that was it, the rest was for the community only. There were definitely bound to be some really spoilt mean people here. All trying to be better than the other. Honestly I didn't really give. Mum pulled into the long driveway and on our way up I see the open space of just green grass on both sides of me. Mum parks the car and for the first time I realise it's a horse shoe driveway. I climb out of the car and mum grabs dekan, my little brother. I look up at the three story house. It looked amazing, beautiful. Standing by the door was trey, our butler. He opened the door and greeted us. Standing in two perfect rows were our 8 workers. Two maids, two kitchen hands [they made us our every meal and I mean every], two gardeners and finally our two extra hands. My mum went overboard but they were hardly around so it was nice to come home to people who were actually taking care of you. I think over this last week I had seen my parents a lot. Dad was usually off at his business holding business meetings and all that. He spent extra hours working almost every day. He only ever had Sunday off. So did mum when she could. Actually mum had every second Sunday off so that Sunday would be family day. Each of the worker nod in greeting and I walk forward. I knew most of them and regularly talked to them all the time. Marty, the head kitchen hand, was lik my big brother. He was always there for me. Kristen, our head maid, was like my second mum. She had two kids of her own, left home already, and so she knew exactly what to do when I was having problems. She was always there for me. The others were too but not as much as Kristen was. I tour around the house after mum hands me dekan. The rooms were huge. There were already some things already in place, like a TV in two of the bedrooms and semi-circle couch facing the TV's. One of those rooms was mine and I poked my head in the room with violet on the walls. I smile and walk in. I tour around the room highly satisfied. I put dekan down and he runs around the room with his airplane. I open up the closet which looked like a quarter of the room, maybe two. I look inside when I flick the switch just inside. It was huge and there was enough room for all my clothes three times over. Much bigger than my old closet which had to be half this size. I'm pretty sure I need to go shopping to fill some of the space, I think. I turn the light off and look behind me to see dekan leaning against the window wall. I shake my head when I realise it's a door.

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