Chapter Twenty Two

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I woke with the biggest smile plastered on my lips. I didn't want to move right now because for the first time in history with being in the same bed as Nate, I wasn't lying on him. No this time I was lying back down and Nate had his leg over mine, his arm resting across my chest and his face in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself then realised I couldn't move but I didn't want to.

In the next five minutes I worked out Nate was already awake and I had a feeling he's been awake for some time. Just as I started thinking about the fact that Nate was naked next to me my thoughts drifted straight back to last night. Hmm...

'your heart is going a million miles an hour, what are you thinking about?' Nate asked into my neck and I giggled pushing his face away. He smirked looking down at me. I bit my lip as he continued stare like I was the only thing he was allowed to look at and boy did he look at me!

'several things actually' I answered his question and he raised a brow, his lips still drawn into a smirk.

'and they would be?'

'the prom was amazing...' I said and he nodded as if agreeing.

'yes and?'

'the twins looked magnificent in there dresses'

'I disagree because you looked better...what else?' he asked as if knowing exactly what I had actually been thinking about but I wanted to tease him.

'um let's see...oh I was thinking about Kyle's party tonight, seeing as we have no more school for the next day and a half I was gonna go shopping with the twins for another dress'

'another one? Anything else you were thinking about?'

'not really...wait...' I said and his eyebrows shot up. Unable to help myself I giggled giving myself away. Nate rolled his eyes, mouth diving for my neck. He peppered teasing but ticklish kisses all over my face. I did one of those squeals mixed with giggles and he laughed continuing to assault my face with his amazing lips.

'Nate...Nate...stop...please?' I begged and Nate let out a small growl.

'never' he declared now using his hands to tickle across my stomach. Instead of giggling I let out a moan. Nate pulled back and looked at me questioningly.

'what was that?' he asked hiding his smile. I grabbed his hand and he sighed as if thinking I was going to push it away. Dead wrong.

I pushed his hand further down and he looked at me shocked.

'not so innocent now am I?' I asked and he laughed shaking his head.

'I've corrupted you; your dad is going to kill me'

'no my dad will be fine with you'

'yeah right'

'it's my mum you should be worried about' I joked but his eyes widened.

'your mum? What will she do?'

'that woman knows everything and she will hunt you down...'

'you better not be messing with me'

'and if I am?'

'you will be punished so bad it's not even going to be funny' he warned giving me a stern playful look.

'depends on the punishment' I said and he smirked leaning closer to my face. I knew he was already hard, as if thinking about it, because I could feel him on my thigh and I wanted him so bad to be in between my!

'give me a minute, I'm still thinking' he said and I nodded. He kissed me quickly before travelling his lips all over my body until he reached my area.

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