Chaper Ten

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Nate's POV

I sat on the couch watching her walk up the stairs. Something had definitely changed in her. I swear I almost died when she said she didn't want Marcus anymore. From here on I was satisfied enjoying the chase to get her. She seemed to be paying more attention to me then she did before. Last night's party was killer and she looked amazing. This afternoon when I walked in and she was half naked I could have died a happy man. I mean it's not like it was any different from seeing her in a bikini but it was passing a wall. I knew she'd be getting dressed but I still had gone up there. I turn off the TV and the light. I make a bee line for the stairs and head to drake's room. Before that though I went and grabbed my phone. She was sleeping on my bed peacefully. I smirked and grabbed the phone of the desk and closed the door. I went to drake's room and lay down on the bed. I knew sleep wasn't coming any time soon. I checked my phone, I had no messages. I sigh and put the phone under the pillow and turn to face the wall. Just through the wall she was there lying down. I put my hand on the wall trying to make a sense of feeling her. I had an idea what she felt like. I'd picked her up in my arms and jumped into the water with her. I sigh knowing the feelings were probably mutual. I mean I only wanted her because she was unavailable but now that she was she was still super appealing. I knew I needed to take my time with her. She was a virgin and they needed time. You absolutely needed to know they were ready or they'd regret it and blame you for everything. It was amazing what two simple weeks could do. I was lusting so badly for her and she had no idea. I groan and my boxers tighten. Finally the sleep comes and gets me. Finally, the world of dreaming takes me in.

'Nate' someone calls out and I peek through my lashes. I frown and squeeze my eyes tightly shut.

'Nate, wake up' somebody touches my arm and my eyes fly open. She's closer than I thought. She was only a couple of inches away. Best wake up, to have her in my face. Her eyes were wide and her lips were open a little.

'come on it's 7 o'clock' she says standing up and my hand twitches to pull her back to me. I groan sliding out of the bed and standing up. Her eyes flick to my chest and then back up to meet my eyes.

'you overslept too?' I ask her and she nods moving out of the room. She goes through the bathroom which was conjoined with my room. I follow her and she sits down on the bed pulling on her jeans. That was when I realised she was only in her t-shirt and underwear. I scold myself for not realising and I take a shower. When I come out fully dressed in jeans and a random top I quickly gather my phone, wallet and keys and move downstairs. She stands by the door holding her bags and she smiles.

'finally, I was thinking maybe you'd passed out' she says smirking and I remember when I'd woken up to alcohol being poured on my face. I groan and follow her out to my car. Quickly racing to her house I wait in the kitchen eating some bacon which was among some of the other breakfast laid out perfectly. Considering her parents were already at work and her brother wasn't here it was all laid out just for her. She returned to the kitchen in record time. She was wearing a flowy dress and it looked amazing. Instead of heels, like I was expecting, she was wearing converses. I smiled, she didn't seem like the killer heel type. The belt that sat just under her boobs made the boobs look amazing and I could feel myself getting hard. I groaned as she sat down and began eating. After we ate we left at 8:15. We arrive to school by 8:30am and we still had half an hour until class. She conveniently followed me to my locker and waited. While I got my stuff out I caught her full on checking my face out. I smirk when I turn to go to her locker. I hear her groan and she follows behind me. When she got her books we moved to the cafeteria. Kyle, Derek and the twins were the only ones at our table.

'sup Nate' Kyle says and I shrug looking up sarcastically. He looked up and got it. He laughed and shook his head. I sit down next to him and put my books on the table.

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