Chapter Eighteen

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Nate's POV

We laid there for a little while. She was in a giggly mood and it was cute. My thoughts kept going back to last night. I knew that somehow I had pushed the boundaries but she wasn't bringing it up. Maybe she just didn't want to bring it up right now.

When she dressed into her bikini, I accompany her to the water. Watching her walk had me getting hard already. I was mentally cursing myself for not taking her. Why couldn't I just let myself give her what she wanted so badly?

I had no idea why I was waiting, was there something I was so afraid of? I hoped I could let myself give her what she wanted. To be honest I was scared. I was scared of what she could really do. She was still an innocent virgin.

Our afternoon goes by fast and in no time we were gathered around the fire again. Arianna cuddled up against me and I could feel her hand on the inside of my thigh getting me harder every time she laughed. Stacy sighed looking dreamy.

'you guys look cute' she says looking at us. I roll my eyes and Arianna blushes hiding in my neck.

'I don't do cute, Stacy' I grumbled and she smirked.

'so last night...' she said trailing off and I shook my head giving her a warning.

'yeah last night...' Tracy steps in and smirks evilly.

'what about it?' I asked and I felt Arianna tense.

'girls' Kyle and Derek warn at the same time and the twins giggle.

'oh god, can you believe it graduation is just around the corner guys?' Arianna speaks up after some quietness. Every nods looking at each other sadly.

'I know' Stacy says leaning into Kyle.

'we have to talk all the time' Tracy says and the girls nod eagerly.

'where are you going Arianna? Have you made plans yet?' Stacy asks and we all look at Arianna.

'I don't know'

'oh come on, you need to have a plan'

'I have a plan'

'where you moving to?'

'I'm staying here'

'staying here?' the twins said in horror together. Kyle and Derek laugh in unison and I shake my head rolling my eyes.

'well yeah, I just got here'

'don't you want to leave your parents already?' Stacy asked while Tracy kept shaking her head and looking at Derek shocked.

'I love my family'

'and so do we but we need a break'

'you'll come crawling back'

'no way!' the twins said in unison causing everyone to laugh.

The whole conversation of what's happening after graduation past. I didn't want to talk about it. It would just remind me of the horrible thing I did and shouldn't have done. I never should have made that bet. Let's face it, I only wanted Arianna then but now...I wanted to get to know her. And get to know her I did.

I knew everything about her and she knew a lot about me. It scared me to know someone knew so much of me but I trusted Arianna. I least I think I do.

After the long anticipated camp, we finally found ourselves packing up camp a day later. I didn't want to leave but I knew we had to get back. Missing one day of school at this stage wasn't a good idea, we were nearly at graduation.

The whole back into town I kept thinking about the end of year formal dance. I hadn't asked Arianna yet. And I wanted to ask her, not to just let her assume. I mean I wouldn't mind but I wanted to ask her. Looking at her in the back seat laughing with Stacy many things fell into place.

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