Chapter Seven

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Beep, beep, beep. I shut my alarm off quickly and groaned as I stood up. I glanced at the clock; it was 6:45am. I had to leave here at 8:00am so we could drop dekan off at kindergarten and then I had to be at school by 8:30 for a 9am start. I showered and took my time. A little too much time because when I got out it was 7:20am. I groan. How could I have spent that long in the shower? Seriously! I raided my closet and pulled out my favourite black skinny jeans. I find one of the checker plaid shirts. Red, white, black and grey mixed together to create the perfect shirt for first day. I pull on a waist belt and check myself over in the mirror. I didn't look bad.

 I groaned when I remembered the twin's begged em to wear heels today so I pulled out the high heel boots and put them on. I brushed my hair and put on my lip gloss. I grabbed my bag, which contained my wallet, phone, iPod, earphones, pens and some other random stuff a girl needed. The twins had thrown in a few extra things but I didn't bother to look. I raced down the stairs to have breakfast and see dekan across the table eating toast.

'hey dekky' I say smiling putting my bag down at the doorway. I continue and sit down across from him.

'ri, ri! You go school today?' he asks frowning.

'yeah I do baby. So do you, huh big man' he smirks and shrugs his shoulders. Soon enough it was time to leave and mum was running a little late. We dropped off dekan. Said all the goodbyes and we could hear him crying a little as we left. Mum had run back to hug him one more time and then we'd left. Finally mum neared dubstep high. My stomach tightened but then I saw the twins standing against a tree talking with each other. I sighed and couldn't wait to be standing next to them. I'd already missed half the year but of course I'd done it at my old high school. So of course people are going to notice I'm new. Mum stops the car and looks back at me.

'have fun today baby. Are you riding home with the twins?' she asks looking a little sad.

'yeah probably. If not I'll text ya'

'okay, well I'm home all day because at lunch I'm gonna visit dekan, see how he's doing'

'okay text me how it goes'

'remember to put your phone on silent' she says as I climb out of the car. I nod and remembered this one time mum had texted me in class. It had been grade 9 and in maths. Apparently it was super important and that dad I just happened to forget to silence my phone. So there I was with my phone blasting Britney spears. I shuddered at the memory.

'I will' I said and she smiled.

'okay bye mum'

'bye baby. Have fun' she says and she drives off. I turn around and jump. The twins are standing there looking me up and down.

'hey guys' I said and they're faces screwed up a little.

'what's wrong?' I ask them and they shush me.

'great outfit ri' Tracy says and they pull me up to the big entrance. A few of the cliché groups sit on the stairs acting like they own the place. They stopped to gawk at us and I felt uncomfortable. I didn't look that bad did I?

'yeah super. Let's go get your timetable. I hope you're in some of my class'

'oh yeah me too' they continued on liking nothing had happened. It still pondered my mind when others had stopped to look as we made our way to the office. Finally they pulled me up to the lady sitting behind the counter.

'hey girls, what can I do you for?' she says and Stacy snickers. I finally get it when she nudges me and I laugh a little too.

'um...yeah miss, this Arianna bode and she's new here. We were wondering if you had her timetable'

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