Chapter Twenty Three

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Arianna's POV

I stumbled into the house completely lost. I ran straight for the stairs blinking back more tears. It felt like all my memories of him were yelling at me. I let out a scream falling to the ground on my knees.

'go away!' I screamed balling my eyes out. All my memories rushing by in the blink of an eye. I gave my virginity to him, what the hell was I thinking? Of course I couldn't trust a guy like him; I knew he was only in it for that.

I got inside my room and fell onto my bed. I balled my eyes out staring up at the ceiling. What was I going to do now? Mum came through the door quickly and ran to my side.

'oh ri, don't cry' she whispered cuddling me to her chest instantly. I turned holding onto my mum crying harder. I sat there crying into her for some time to come. I had nothing else better to do so I just cried.

I could hear my mum's heart slowing down. I knew she'd be asleep soon and that's when I realised we'd been here for quite some time. I closed my eyes trying to ignore my big headache and fell asleep.

When I woke I was still cuddled up with mum but tucked underneath the blankets. I kept my eyes closed and just listened to the voices.

'honey, can you get some pills? She's gonna have a big headache when she wakes' mum asked and I heard dad cough.

'sure thing, just tell my baby it's alright' dad told mum before going to move.

'I can hear you' I told them not moving.

'ri?' dad asked and I felt his hand on my arm.

'I'm awake' I told them opening my eyes and moving so I could see them whilst resting my head on mums shoulder.

'oh baby, it's alright. Everything will be okay, I'll make sure of it' dad told me glaring out the window at Nate's house. I smiled a little.

'thanks daddy' I whispered and he smiled standing up straight.

'well I'll go get these pills and be back in a tick'

'thanks' I whispered again and mum squeezed her arms around me.

'you alright? Good sleep?'

'it was okay. I was thinking last night...I...' I looked up at her and she smiled sweetly.

'you were wondering what sweetie?'

'would I be able to go see granny in London?' I asked immediately and her mum suck in a breath.

'you want to leave?'

'mum I don't want to see him ever again and besides it's only for a little while. I haven't seen granny in a while and I really do miss her'

'where did this come from?'

'mum I just want to get away. I know that if I stay here he's going to come here and try to talk to me. I can't handle that. I've never had my heart broken and I just want to escape it'

'okay baby, I understand. I'll get your father to look at flights-'

'I want to leave as soon as possible. Now even!' I told her and she nodded holding me tighter.

'I understand baby, I understand' she whispered and I knew she was crying.

I guess this isn't exactly how she imagined letting her baby go off into the world. The day straight after graduation, the day after her little girl got her heart broken. And to another country, no mother wants that.

Dad returned quickly giving me the pills. Mum pulled him aside and explained to him what I wanted. I sat on the bed sipping the water. I glanced out the windows and noticed him pacing in his room across the lake. I let out a small sob and mum turned to make sure I was okay.

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