Chapter Four

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Arianna's POV

I cleaned up the dining room with Miley and then Macy came and took dekan for a bathe. My parents were sitting in the lounge room and in one short hour we'd be having dinner. I was kind of full but excited about dinner. Marcus was having dinner with us. I couldn't believe he had driven all the way here just to see me. I smile and waltz up to dekan's room. I hear his delicious giggle and walk in to see him splash a little and then macy jump back when she gets hit with the water.

'I have no idea how you do this' she says jokingly as she wipes her face on the towel. Dekan giggles and begins playing with his plane.

'it's easy. Of course he's going to splash you though. I can't stop that'

'no you can't'

I help her out a little and we play with some of his cars once he's dressed. We get called down for dinner and we watch a family movie afterwards. When the movie finishes mum takes dekan upstairs to put him to bed. I help dad fix up the cushions and stuff.

'so baby girl you been having fun these last couple days?' he asks me with a huge grin on his face. I fix up all the cushions while he does the DVD and empty glasses.

'I have. I really think they are all so nice. Especially Tracy and Stacy'

'they're twins right?'


'they seems like nice girls. So I guess they all go to dubstep?'


'you look really excited baby?'

'I am so excited but I can't wait for school to start. I already have school friends'

'your mother likes them too you know. it was nice of them to offer to help with dinner the other night. I guess they didn't realise we have cooks?'

'no they didn't know but they help took the dishes out to the kitchen'

'yes they did. Lovely girls, you know how to pick em. And what about these boys they hang out with?'

'oh yeah they're nice too. Kyle dates Stacy and Tracy is going out with Derek and Nate well he's single. I think'

'you think?'

'I don't really know dad'

'well as long as they don't try anything'

'dad! I have a boyfriend'

'yeah that didn't show up for dinner. Real commitment RI'

So it was true, he hadn't come to dinner. But he promised next time he would. Apparently his mum wanted him home early so he had to leave. At least he texted me instead of just leaving. I didn't mind because I got to see him. He said he'd definitely come back and that he liked the lake and all. I was excited. I still had no idea why my parents hated him so much. He loved me, I think. Well he'd never really told me but he always said that he never wanted to lose me or anything. I mean they was the same thing wasn't it. The next couple of days pass by quickly. I hang with the guys again and we all go swimming. People seemed to like gawking at them. I had gotten used to it although we've only been here just a week now.

 One more week and we would be at school. Despite hating school I was actually excited because I'd finally have something to do instead of just laying around. I mean although I loved to lay around with the twins I still wanted to go back to school. Kyle and Derek had attempted to fish at the other end of the lake. The part that went out into the ocean. They failed and Derek had been pushed overboard by Nate. We'd laughed so hard and we drove off a little teasing Derek. He would swim to catch up then we'd drive a little further. It was actually quite fun. Tonight was movie night and I decided that they could all come to my house. We were using the movie theatre room. Dad had it all cleaned up for us from the couple of movies him and dekan had watched on Sunday. I was wearing my pj's and was waiting on the deck for their boat. Stacy and Tracy popped their heads around the corner and made their way through the gate.

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