Chapter Twelve

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Nate's POV

My eyes fluttered open. My dream had been so vivid. I gasped when I saw her lying across me. She looked so angelic. She was smiling in her sleep and I relax a little. I remembered our little make-out session on the couch. I remembered how much she wanted more but I didn't want to. I mean hell yes I did but I didn't want her to regret anything. I also didn't want to be the rebound guy so I wasn't fully letting her get what she wanted. The whole plan for car wash had gone completely wrong. I knew she was feeling unwanted and shit. I had no idea what to do so I had kissed her to reassure her. Then after that I ignored Stacy's voice in my head. I knew I was already whipped. I was pretty sure I was whipped the second I saw her after the bet. She was unavailable and illusive. Now she wasn't dating Marcus and I actually had a shot. It was up until then that I realised maybe I was so far in that I didn't want to pull out. Call me stupid but I was definitely head over heels for this girl and it's only been almost a month. When she finally woke a couple of minutes later we had breakfast and I drove her home. She was excited, because her sister was coming to visit. She'd told me yesterday at the car wash. She was cute super excited. I laughed as she bound out the car to her front door. I drove off happily content. When I got home Stacy was in the kitchen talking to drake. I groaned as I walked in. I wasn't going to tell her anything. I needed to stay strong but knowing Stacy I'd definitely give eventually.

'oh my god, details! I want them and I want them know' Stacy growled jumping off her chair. She followed me round to the fridge and back to the bench. I tried my best to block her out. Drake gave me a sympathetic look before starting up a game of COD. I groaned when she followed me outside onto the deck.

'so did my idea work? Oh I bet it did, ohn I'm so happy' Stacy says and I laugh. Her plan hadn't gone so well with me. I actually had had no idea what I was doing. Although it seemed like the perfect idea it seriously wasn't. I just wasn't fit to ignore RI.

'ah actually Stacy I ain't saying anything' I say taking a sip of orange juice.

'why not?! It was my plan, I deserve to know' she jumped up and started moving towards me. I gulped and stood up to retreat.

'I didn't go with the plan' I said when I hit the glass wall. I gulped and she stopped just in front of me.

'oh god! It went bad didn't it? Oh don't worry Nate, its okay' she pouts and sympathy rises in her eyes.

'dummy it went great' I said ruffling her hair. She cursed and pushed my side. I laughed as I returned to my chair. She followed and sat across from me.

'how great? Like I'm whipped great or meh it was great' she says proving what she meant with her actions.

'I'm whipped great'

'no friggin way! Wait until Tracy hears about this. Nate the oh so great legend in bed, which I'm yet to find out and it's staying that way, is finally whipped and to none other than Arianna bode. So sweet!' she flutters her eyes and sighs dreamily. Girls can be weird some times. She rests her head on my palms on the table.

'you can't tell Tracy. Then RI will definitely hear about it. Remember the bet silly'

'you're going ahead with the bet?' she gasped and looked at me like I was crazy.

'I have no idea Stacy. Look this shit is much harder than you think. I actually really like her. But the bets in place which means my man hood is at stake'

'and so is your shot with ri for god's sake! Have you thought of her more than a sex toy?'

'sex toy?' it was foreign language. I mean yeah I'd had one or two sex toys, maybe at the one time or not, but I never considered her a sex toy at all. She wasn't actually just a girl from a bet either. A girl I was slowly liking more and more.

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