Chapter Sixteen

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Nate's POV

I lay on my bed trying to get to sleep but it wasn't working. I was thinking about our conversation on the phone. I sighed turning over to look at my window wall which had the curtains drawn. I didn't want to be woken by the bright sun. I had actually cleaned up my room while I'd been packing my bag. Drake had been surprised and was calling me a neat freak because of it. I had just rolled my eyes and ignored him. My room contained many pieces of clothing that weren't even mine. I actually looked at them in disgust thinking what the hell had I been thinking? When I finally finished packing Stacy called me to tell me tye was coming too, as soon as she mentioned Olivia he was there apparently. So I guess I could have the ten to myself with RI? I smirked pushing the sheets off my body. It was hot and clammy. I sighed trying to bring sleep but it wasn't coming. I gave up eventually and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Olivia.

Im sorry u don't get to have the tent with RI, I really am – Olivia

It's cool. Besides I have a good feeling about things – Nate

Oh tell me!!!!!!! – Olivia

It's nothing really. Maybe just the fact that we r gonna have a good time – Nate

Oh yeah sure. Whatevs don't tell me then – Nate

I laughed. Of course I wanted to tell her to make her feel better but Stacy wanted to keep it a secret. I smiled a she sent another text saying she was going to talk to me and then she put a wink face. I rolled my eyes and felt sleep dawn on me. Finally it was here. I put my phone up and in no time I was dead asleep. Dreaming about RI of course.

We were standing in her room and she was getting dressed in the corner. She slipped off the dress and I frowned. Usually RI got dressed in the bathroom when I was here. She didn't falter at all though, she unclipped her bra and it fell to the floor. I gulped as I watched it fall. She turned her head back and winked at me. I was having difficulties breathing and so I moved to the bed trying to calm myself down. It worked a little. Suddenly she was standing in front of me. Luckily with a shirt on and that's it. She put her hands on my shoulder and I leaned back a little trying to figure out what she was doing.

'it's alright Nate, geez calm down...' she looked down and I took in a deep breath, I was most certainly way too hard down there.

'better yet...maybe not' she giggled climbing onto my lap. She pressed against my manhood. She moaned flicking her head back. I couldn't help the moan that just came out, it just did. She left her neck bare and I didn't waste time. I smothered her with kisses but as things grew more passionate she seemed to detach.

'Nate? Are you awake?' she asked frowning at me. I looked at her like she was crazy. Of course I was awake? My eyes were open and I was roaming your body was I not?

'Nate, seriously you need to wake up' she shook my shoulder a little and just as I went to speak RI slipped from my grasp. She walked away and out the door. I was about to call out to her when suddenly someone climbed on top of me. My eyes flew open. God it was just a dream again, god! A good dream it was. I closed my eyes and froze. Someone was sitting on top of me. I slowly opened my eyes and gazed up at RI who was biting her lip and she looked like she was ready to giggle.

'you're awake!' someone called beside me. I flinched looking up into Stacy's usual brown eyes. She was smirking.

'I am now' I groaned and RI moved a little. We both looked at her and she giggled.

'come on giggle guts you can get off him now' Stacy said holding her hand out to ri. RI took it and she smirked at me. I quickly sat up covering up my completely hard manhood. Stacy rolled her eyes dragging RI out of the room. RI smirked at me again and I smiled genuinely. Only 6 painful hours of school until we go camping. Yeah man! I jumped up excited and had the shower so quickly. I dressed in my usual jeans and shirt and just about ran downstairs. I got down there and saw ri sitting on the couch playing with her shirt. She bites her lip and she was thinking about something to intently. I looked over to see Stacy rolling her eyes and drinking apple juice. She looked at me and giggled. I frowned. Okay what's up with these girls and giggling today? I move towards the fridge to pull out an apple. RI was that focused she didn't look up at me or noticed me.

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