Chapter Twenty Four

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Arianna's POV

Granny's bakery looked the same, except her tables and chairs. I smiled as we walked through the place to the back. I followed her though the kitchen into the mini office. I sat down on the spare spinning chair.

Granny set out working off the computer. She explained she had things to do, papers to complete and all that other stuff. I was happy sitting there with her for about the first ten minutes. My mind kept flittering back to the incident. I curled my feet up under my bum and bit my lip.

I began twisting around in the chair until I really did get bored. I told granny I was going for a walk and took off into the kitchen and wondered around a little. There were only a few people working and baking things.

I found two girls sitting in the staff room and smiled as I walked past. I went to the toilet really quickly then moved back to the office. I stayed with granny until she closed up the bakery at nine. I helped her clean up and watched as the workers left farewelling granny properly.

The ride back to granny's house was quick and in no time I was eating dinner at the dining table. We just ate spaghetti and meatballs. Once dinner was done I helped wash up before I ventured upstairs. Granny offered the TV to me but I refused. All I needed was to lie down and think over this stuff.

I changed into my pj's and sat down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and slid through the contacts. I came across that one name and I watched the picture beside it. I felt my eyes tear up and I quickly wiped it away moving down my contact list. I pressed dial and waited.

'ri? Oh ri, how are you?' mum cooed into the phone and I smiled at her voice.

'I'm fine mum, spent the afternoon at granny's bakery'

'oh is it still the same?'

'the very same. Granny hasn't changed either, still her happy cheery self'

'and I hope you can be too. We miss you so much here'

'I miss you guys too'

'oh shoot, I'll have to give you to your father. Someone's being rude, banging on the bloody door' she told me and I heard the phone being handed over.

'hey daddy' I greeted. I could hear the loud banging still until it ceased. Mum must have answered the door.

'hey sweetheart, how are you? Are you still doing okay?'

'dad I got here today, I am still okay'

'that's good, how's granny?'

'she's doing alright dad, the bakery is the same old same old'

'oh that's good. Dekan finally woke and he was wondering where you are'

'oh can I talk to him'

'he's on his play date for now but if you call in a few hours he should be back'

'it's nearly ten pm here dad'

'oh sugar, I forgot about the time difference. It's morning here'

'oh I didn't wake youse did I?'

'oh don't be silly, with a toddler in the house no such thing as sleep'

'Dekan isn't that bad' I told him and heard his light laughter.

'I know sweetheart, I was just messing around. Do you feel okay? Do you want us to send more money?'

'dad I'm fine. I feel okay and I have plenty of money'

'I know...I'm just worried that's all'

'it's okay, just trust me on this. I'm fine and granny will take care of me when I can't'

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