Chapter Seventeen

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Arianna's POV

[WARNING: sexual content [kind of]!!!!]

We walked back to the group hand in hand. Electric was running through me from just that one touch. I looked up at him to see him grinning wide. I smiled almost as big too. I could see the light from our campsite coming into view. I wanted nothing more than to pull Nate down into the sand and stay there a little longer. When we came into view they all looked at each other. Stacy let out an excited yelp and launched herself at me. With her contact I lost contact with Nate. I lost the spark of life and I wanted to sleep. She dragged me off and Tracy joined us on the beach.

'oh my god, so details? What did he say?' Stacy pressed excitedly and Tracy laughed at her.

'I don't want to talk about it' I said looking at the sand. I was trying to hide my smile.

'what?!' Stacy shrieked and I looked up at her giggling.

'oh it's okay Stacy. He is my boyfriend'

I shivered when I said the word. Did that mean he was officially mine? Boy I hoped so, I loved calling him mine. Mine, Nate was mine. I bit my lip smiling outrageously. Tracy rolled her eyes probably knowing what I was thinking. Stacy was still rambling excitedly about something but I was zoning thinking about him, duh who else?

'slow down Stacy, you're wearing her out' Tracy said after a while. Exactly when Stacy took a breath. She let the breath out and pouted at Tracy.

'heck she's not even paying attention' Tracy says looking at me with a smirk. Stacy turns to face me and I blush.

'really? I was telling you important stuff you know'

'like what?' I ask her furrowing my brow. Important stuff about what?

'like how Nate is totally whipped' Tracy says like it's obvious.

'you guys are tiring me' I said looking at me feet in the sand.

'oh come on ri, we aren't that bad. Besides we're all going walking tomorrow. Probably in the bush a bit and then along the beach'

'I don't want to go walking' I grumbled. They took it the wrong way, too.

'oh okay, sure you can stay and indulge in your boyfriend' Tracy teased and I groaned shaking my head.

'oh yeah, we'll give you like two hours' Stacy said tapping Tracy playfully. They both laughed and I blushed groaning. Why did I have to open my mouth? I looked back to see Nate looking at me. He was trying to pay attention to Derek but it wasn't going so well. He smirked at me and I smiled back.

'hello? Earth to ri' Stacy said snapping her fingers in my face. I blinked looking at her, glaring actually.

'what?' I whined and Stacy smirked looking at what I had been watching. I blushed when she awed and pushed me playfully.

'god lee I'm tired. Derek!' Tracy calls out winking at us. She stands up dusting off her bum. She walks over to Derek pouting. He immediately ends conversation and takes off with her. Luckily we placed the tents away from each other so they weren't so close together. Stacy sighed and looked at me. She wanted to be with Kyle I could tell. Good so now I could be with Nate, right?

'go on' I said and she smiled big hugging me.

'I love you ri, so much'

'pfft yeah right' she skips off to Kyle. I get up slowly and dust off my bum. I turn around and jump. Nate was smirking and watching me.

'god sake's Nate!' I shrieked and he laughed. I walked up to where he was and we walked back to our tent.

'ready to sleep already?' he asked

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