Chapter Six

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Arianna's POV

In just two days I started school. I was actually a little nervous. We'd just finished having dinner and then the twins dragged me up to my room. They flick on the TV and we watch mean girls. Who didn't watch this movie? It was actually pretty good and the second one was just a blank rip off. Shortly after the movie finished they attacked me with a face mask. So here I was lying on my couch with green slush on my face. I groan again and finally when it was time to get rid of it I was over the moon. When we went to sleep hours later I was actually kind of thanking them for doing it.

 My face was relaxed and smooth. I slept like a baby. When I woke up Stacy was snugged up against my side and Tracy was lying with her legs spread wide. I laughed and Tracy jumped up and fell off the bed. Stacy woke up then and then laughed at the scene before her. Tracy stood up rubbing her elbow.

'guys not funny' she whines and I laugh again. We take turn having showers and dekan runs in just after I get dressed.

'Stacy!' he yells and jumps into her arms. I downed a little as he usually did that to me but then my spirits raise when he ran to me. I hugged him and then Macy came in to get him.

'you girls have a good day' she says before she leaves. Today the twins were taking me shopping. They dragged me down the stairs and were giggling out of their minds. I shake my head as we make our way to the doors. They'd conned me into wearing heels again. I liked heels but I didn't wear them all the time.

'youse going out?' mum asks coming around the corner with her laptop.

'yeah, if that's alright?' I ask her and just remembered I'd never told her we were going shopping.

'yeah sure where we going?'

'shopping!' the twins said together and mum laughed at their excitement.

'oh really? Hey wait up RI, I have something for you' mum says her voice spiking with excitement. She disappeared into the hallway and then returned with her wallet. She pulled out something black and handed it to me.

'no way Mrs. Bode!' Stacy says and looks at my mum.

'ahh!' was all Tracy said. I just continued looking at the card sitting in my hand. I was frozen in place.

'I would say use m black card safely but seriously I mean come on it unlimited. I ain't worried but I expect something's to be brought missy' she says smiling at me.

'thanks mum' I said and threw my arms around her. I couldn't believe it. My mum had given me her unlimited credit card. The perks of being rich. We take off down the road in Stacy's car. It was stylish and smelt great. Like you know when you buy a new car, kind of like that mixed with strawberries. It smelt delicious. Finally we arrived at the huge mall and waltzed inside. They took me to almost every store and we brought at least three things in each store. We got half way through the first floor and had to put stuff in her car already. We still had two floors to go. After we finished the first floor we went for lunch.

'so I think we're are totally maxed out right now' I say and they look at me like I'm crazy.

'you can never be maxed out with shopping. Trust me I'm a shopaholic' Stacy says sipping her frozen drink.

'definitely agreeing with Stacy on this one. Sorry babe but seriously, shopping is epic plus you have your mums black card. Even my mum won't give me that' Tracy says smiling deviously.

'you guys are so over the moon about this. A bit crazy much?' I tell them and they both laugh and then look at me at the same time,

'no' they said plainly and I couldn't help but laugh so hard. They glared at me and then I dragged them out of there. We finally finished with the shopping and Stacy had to leave us at the shops while she went and dropped it all off. So Tracy and I decided to hit some more shops. We were walking though ally now.

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