Chapter Nine

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Arianna's POV

I couldn't believe I'd opened up to him like that. I guess I really wanted his point of view, although he wasn't much help. He had never had a girlfriend for more than two weeks. Who wouldn't want to be with Nate? I mean honestly speaking here; I if I got to know him more I would definitely give Nate a chance. He had a lot to offer I guess no one really saw him that way. I could see how all the girls drooled over him but I could see Nate longed for something different.

 Guessing under normal circumstances I would totally avoid his kind but he wasn't as bad as I put them all out to be. Beside's I wasn't a hundred percent sure he even was a player; I'd never seen him with a girl full on these last two weeks. I shake my head walking back inside. It was nearly 7pm and no one was home yet. Dekan was probably at grandmas, back in our old town, for the week. I sigh and Kirsten walks around the corner. I wipe the rest of the tears from my face with my jacket. As I walked the suspenders hit the back of my legs.

'hey ri, dinner will be ready shortly. Your parents are out late and dekan is at your grandma's. Have you been crying? What did Nate do?' she says putting the cloth on the bench and moving closer to me.

'no, Nate didn't do anything. It was actually Marcus'

'Marcus? What did he do this time?'

'nothing it's okay'

'it's obviously something, your crying'

'no I'm not'

'well you were' she pulls me into dining room and makes me sit down at the end of the table. She moves into the kitchen and returns with a glass of water.

'thanks' I take a sip and she sits down next to me.

'so did youse have a fight or something?'

'yeah just a silly fight'

'hmm well I hope you guys work it out' she says standing and moving towards the door. Why couldn't I tell her? I mean I'd opened up to Nate, who I barely knew, but I couldn't even tell Kirsten who I'd know most of my life.

'hey Kirsten?' I ask shyly. I gulp finishing off the water.

'yes ri?' she turns to face me, half her body out the door frame.

'he pressure me' I whispered looking down at the table. I could feel the tears come rushing back but I refused to let them be shed.

'he did?' she exclaimed and clearly looked shock.

'you mean you're still a...?' she trailed off moving back to the chair facing me. I nod and continue to hold back the tears. Why was I getting so worked up about this?

'oh honey'

Kirsten ended up dropping everything and stayed with most of the night. I lay in her arms watching the movie after dinner. Macy took over her duties and Kirsten was worried about me way too much. While the movie continued she began to relax and I couldn't help but imagine how much I wished it was Nate and not Kirsten. My mind was clouded and I knew that Nate was only there because I was upset. I was only thinking about him because he was the only other guy I'd talked to lately who actually gave a shit. I hoped he did, he did didn't he?

 As I walked up the stairs slowly after the movie finished I continued to think about Nate and how it would fell so good to be in his arms. I smack my forehead as I climb into my bed. I look out past my balcony to see a faint figure standing looking out at the lake. I sighed continuing to think about Nate. I fell asleep with him on my last thought.

He trailed the kisses up my stomach, below my earlobe and then onto my mouth. I kissed him back with hunger and passion. His hands roamed my body which was naked. I couldn't help but completely get into the feel of it all. Suddenly the kissing stopped and I opened my eyes. I looked up into Nate's green eyes. He looked back down at me, lust written across his face. It was clear he wanted me and he seemed to be taking his time. He trailed kisses from my jaw to my collarbone to my chest and down my stomach. I gasped when he got lower and he looked up at me. He continued to watch me so I pushed him off me. I moved up so I was sitting on him. He brushed the hair out of my face and pulled me down to him. Bright lights flickered through my vision.

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