Chapter Five

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Nate's POV

Last night was a great party. I had gotten wasted pretty quickly. I challenge Arianna to shots and of course she won. The vodka had been getting to me burning my throat. I guess she could handle it. After even more drinking I decided to give COD a go drunk. Failing completely I passed out on the couch. My world had crashed down to that moment and for the first time ever I hadn't slept with a girl at the party. I smiled as I flicked my eyes open and realised someone was laying on me. I look around to see I was lying flat on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I still had the control in my hand and I dropped it forgetting that their floors were tiled.

Oh shit. But there was only a little thud and I'm guessing it landed on a pillow. I grin at the skill and then try to sit up. Someone sprawled out on the couch was stopping me, I momentarily forgot. They had their head on my stomach and I hoped for life that it wasn't a guy. I begged and begged as I got up on my elbows and looked down to see the familiar red dress and brown hair. I smile realising it was only Arianna. I could stay like this for awhile too. But then she mumbled and woke up. She raised her head and looked at me.

'oh shit. Sorry!' she blurts out when we meet eyes. I grin like an idiot.

'nah it's cool' I said as she climbed off. Her knee went in between my legs and I felt myself spike up thought. I groan as she stands up and looks down at me.

'are you alright?' she asks and I nod standing up. My world shakes and I grip onto her for support.

'yeah just dizzy'

'maybe you shouldn't have challenged me twice' she giggles and waits until I stand up straight before she moves. I follow her to the kitchen and I jump onto one of the stools. Some people had probably already left but there was still a fir amount of people passed out in random places. She pulled out orange juice and pours two glasses, handing me one.

'thanks' I mumble and groan when I can smell the vodka from my breathe.

'no worries. It always does the trick for me'

'hmmm never tried it before. Usually I just sleep it off'

'that's one way'

'can you see the time?' I ask her and she turns to look at the clock on the microwave.

'it's 10:28am. Oh god' she complained as she turned around and almost fell over doing it. I laughed.

'I can't believe I slept in heels' she says pouting. I felt myself get turned on. I shake my head, not the time Nate. Not now.

'so that's what was digging into my leg?' I ask her and remember the pointy thing stabbing my left leg.

'oh sorry I just kind of passed out' she shrugs and blushes and I smile.

'yeah so did I. I heard you threw up in the garden' I tell her. People around the party had been talking about her non-stop and how the twins knew her.

'I did. After the shots I kind of dragged into playing beer pong a couple times' she blushes looking at the ground. I laugh. First rule is to never mix your drinks around because you were definitely going to throw up.

'oh god really?'

'yeah I know. Worst mistake of my life'

'you can say that again'

Just then I hear a couple of giggles and look up to see the twins descend the stairs. They look like they'd done something they really shouldn't have.

'what did youse do?' I say narrowing my eyes at them. They approached us and sat down on the stools.

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