Chapter Thirteen

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Arianna's POV

I spent the night at Nate's again and helped the gang clean up afterwards. While we did I kept thinking about the time I've known them, which probably wasn't long at all, but I felt really close to them. My mind flashed back to the conversation I'd had with Nate last night about mean girls. I can't believe he'd brought it up. I mean I know he was drunk but I honestly didn't think he was that drunk. I blush looking at him. He backwards shuffles with the full bag in his hand. He poses and Tracy laughs taking the bag from him. He calls out and whoops. I smile. As soon as the cleaning was finished I rushed home to see my sister again. As usual she was sitting on the couch sucking on a spoon. She turned to me grinning.

'ahh my baby sister' she cries out and I laugh plonking down next to her. She offers some of her chocolate ice-cream but I shake my head. She shrugs and takes another spoonful to her mouth.

'did you have fun last night?' she asked me and I blushed. She raised her brows noticing.

'I did...and guess what?'

'hmm does it have to do with Nate?' she asks and I blush deeper while she giggles. I'd told her everything. The break-up with Marcus, the liking of Nate, the seducing Nate part and even how good it felt to kiss him. I told her everything and she had listened intently. She now considered herself my relationship expert. I smiled and told her what had happened last night. As if on cue she laughed when I expected her too and then when I finished the story she almost made my head explode with her fast speech she gave me. I looked at her when she finished like seriously. She needed to slow down and say it again...slowly!

'sorry. I'm just so excited you have such a spunky love life' she gasps dunking her ice-cream container on the coffee table.

'spunky? Yeah right Mel' she rolls her eyes and folds her legs under herself.

'I'm not joking. It's better than my high school love life'

'yeah but look at you now! You're engaged to a ceo of some big fancy company...i honestly have no idea what they do' I say furrowing my eyebrows. She shakes her head laughing, she turns and admires her finger and I could feel my left hand tingling. I wondered what it would be like to have someone's ring there, to show they loved me for who I really was. I hoped the guy I married was hot and spunky, did I just say that? I wanted the guy to still want me even after 10 years and like two kids. I wanted to wanted and needed for the rest of my life just like my sister. I sigh and watch some movies with her. After the movies we fell asleep in my room after we had a talk. I was dreaming about Nate again, I liked hanging out with him. In those critical moments I realised I liked being in Nate's zone and not just trying to seduce him. I could have sworn I blushed madly but I fell under into the usually darkness we evidently called sleep.

Bright light woke me. I groaned peeking through my eyes. My curtains were open and my sister was gone. I was in my room and I heard someone laugh when I shook my head and put the pillow over my head.

'I'll jump on you' the voice threatened, I could almost hear the smirk and instantly knew who it was. My stomach tightened and I reefed the sheets up further.

'fine...if I have to' the voice said and I could picture them shrugging playfully. Suddenly my bed dipped and someone hovered over me. They pulled the sheet away and lifted the pillow. I squeezed my eyes shut and wrinkled my nose.

'I don't want to get out of bed yet' I whined pouting and he laughed again.

'but we, miss bode, have a date' I could feel his breath on my lips and my eyes flew open to look into his playful eyes. Nate moved his bottom lip and it touched my softly. I moaned and lifted my head making full contact. I gripped my hands in his hair not getting enough of him.

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