Chapter 15-Planning

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*beep beep* my alarm goes off and i get out of bed,it keeps on beeping and i realise its my phone not my alarm,i quickly answer it before they end the call.                                                            

*phone call*

Amber: "Hello?" Niall:"heyy sleepy head,where are you,your already 20 minutes late??" I nearly drop my phone i totally forget i was going to Nialls house to plan a party for Liam "omg shit,i am so sorry i slept in,ill be there in 10 minutes!" Niall:"haha thats fine,just be here soon the boys are already here,cya in a bit" *end of phone call*

I chuck on the first shirt and shorts in my wardrobe,quickly fix my hair and brush my teeth. I rush so much and im starving,i dont even have time for a snack.

I drive so fast to his house,i spot the police behind me and slow down,i dont want to get in trouble and be even more late. The lights almost turn red luckily i speed for it and just make it through,a bright light flashes as i drive past the traffic lights,damn i got a ticket for going through a red light. I dont care and keep speeding through the street,ive never drove so fast in my life. I emmediatly stop because a car is slowly driving infront of me,thank god i didnt crash into them that would take up more time as well. I beep my horn at them and turn into another street near his house,a few more blocks away and ill be there. I probably look like a crazy person driving 100 miles an hour on the road.

I park near his house,im so relieved im here.I grab the Tim Tams to share with them and walk through his drive way, *knock knock* "heyy Amber,Niall was waiting for you,come on in" Zayn says , i follow Zayn into the living room and see Niall sitting on the couch talking to Louis "look who decided to show up" Niall says coming up to me and giving me a hug "yeah..sorry i was late but im here now!" Louis comes up and hugs me too "hey Bambi!" he always calls me that,its like a new nick name he came up with since we became good friends. I laugh and spot Harry sitting on the other couch with a girl next to him "hii Amber,youve met my girlfriend Amy before ye?" I shake my head "no,but nice to meet you,your really pretty and im happy for you two" She gets up and shakes my hand "aww thanks,your really nice,you and Liam huh?" She says winking at me. I blush "his an amazing boyfriend,such a sweet guy" we continue talking for nearly 2 hours,Amy is really nice and she has heaps of things in common with me like,we both like 5 Seconds Of Summer and both of our favourite colours are Red,i think were going to be good friends from now on. "Lets start planning Liam's party!" Niall says turning off the TV "we should do it in a big hall and with all his friends and family,ohh and a Dj ,he would be soo happy!!!" me and Amy laugh,he sounds so excited to do this. We decide on Nialls plan,were inviting every one of his friends and family so all together its 145 people including ourselves and were doing it next Friday at 7pm till whenever the guest want to go,theres going to be a DJ with the help of Zayn (cause he said he wanted to DJ as well) im actually really excited about this party,its going to be really good. Me and Amy start making the invatations,Zayn picks the songs to play on the night,Niall decides on the cake to have,Harry plans what decorations will be used and Louis picks what food and drinks to have. "This is taking ages,25 and a heap more to go" i say to Amy "i know Liam knows so much people!" we continue making the invatations and talk about random stuff "sooo, is Harry being a good boyfriend to you?" i say smiling,she blushes and says "yeah his really nice and his such a gentlemen,maybe a bit too flirty but his a cutie,omgg his dimples and that curly hair-" i put my finger on her mouth "i didnt need full on details haha,you seem to like him a lot and he seems to like you heaps back so thats good" she smiles and says " hehe yeahh,im really happy with him ,everything is perfect,enough about me,hows dating Liam?" she nudges me and smirkes "he is such a good boyfriend,i dont know what id do without him,his so nice and im really happy to be with him at the moment" I smile at the ground,i cant help blush again,we continue on talking until Harry comes over and wraps his arms around Amy and kisses her cheek "hey beautiful,hows the invatations going?" "aww your too cute Harry and pretty good thanks were making progress,a few more to go!" "Ill leave you guys to it then,talk later babe" he quickly kisses her on the lips and continues with his job. "Naww! you guys are so cute together,the way you both smiled at eachother!" she slaps me on the arm playfully "thanks aha". I get distracted by my phone vibrating in my pocket, i look at my lock screen and it says i got a text 'Heyy babe,are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? Text me back if your free to catch up,Liam xxx' I smile at my phone stupidly and reply back saying 'yeah of course i would love to! Go on skype soon so we can talk about it! <3' "why are you smiling like that?" Amy says and looks at my phone "oh nothing" i say putting my phone back in my pocket. We spend the whole day with laughs,being silly "after all the work,were done with the invites, wooho,high five me sister!" she high fives me and says "it was so fun,whats your number we should go shopping together some time" We exchange phones and type in our numbers,we sit back down on the couch and join the boys "you all did such good work today everyone,it looks like were done with planning the party,ill send off the invites tomorrow and Zayn is going to hire the DJ soon so we can be organised before next week" Amy and I highfive eachother "thanks for helpin me,it was so fun,ill talk to you soon i gotta go now" I give her a hug and hug the rest of the boys "by the way thanks for deciding to make a party for him,without you we wouldnt be doing this,cyaa soon Amber" Niall says as i walk out the door.  i have to be on skype with Liam soon,i hope he is feeling better though,i wouldnt want him feeling sick when i see him tomorrow. *beep beep* my phone vibrates in my pocket again just as i start to drive,i cant answer it cause ill get too distracted,im going to have to wait until i get home.

I arrive at my house and sit down on my couch,i check the text i got and its from Calum 'Hey,i heard  you planned a party for Liam? i cant wait until i get the invatation,its gonna be a good night and Liam is going to be so surprised and happy! :) Cal x' I replied back to him and read Liams text, i didnt realise he replied back to me from ages ago 'yeahh sure, talk soon then :) ' . I turned my laptop on and got skype ready, i was about to shut my laptop and switch on the TV but i saw Liam was already online, i messaged him 'heyy,your on early aha ;)' , minutes later he replied back to me 'haha yee i just came on,wanna skype call now?' 'okayy x' i replied back and i clicked video call. He answered and i saw his cute smile again,he looked so happy *skype call* "heyy babe,how have you been?"  "ive been fine thanks,how are you?" i couldnt stop smiling,he replied saying "yeahh ive been way better than i was,did you still want to catch up tomorrow?"  "yeah,where are we going to go?" i said "im not telling,its a surprise,just for you" his smile was soo cute,he makes me so happy. "i cant wait then,your the best boyfriend ever,thank you for always being there for me" i said blowing a kiss to him on the camera,he just laughed and looked at the ground "aww thanks gorgeus, your more amazing though" he says winking at me , we talked for hours on skype,it feels like i havnt seen him in ages,he was so funny and sweet,its good to see him well again. A dog popped up onto his screen "Brit,get off me,im busy at the moment" he said patting her, i laughed so much,ive meet Brit a couple of times and she is such a cute dog,very active though "sorry about that,Brit wanted a pat,she is such a attention seeker sometimes" "its okay,typical of her aha!" i looked at the time and it was 10:30pm "i am so sorry Li-li,im getting really tired,im going to head to bed soon,cya tomorrow" he gave me a sad pout and said " aww its fine,have a good sleep beautiful,sweet dreams and cya tomorrow,i love you heaps" "i love you too byeee!" i waved bye to him and blew him a kiss and ended the call. I shut my laptop and went to bed thinking about Liam the whole night. 

I really hope you liked this chapter! sorry i took so long to update,i had my exams for school :\ Please pass my fanfiction on to other Directioners to read! thank you so much for reading it,i love you all :) have an good day/night! ill post another chapter soon xxx

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