Chapter 22~ Cute Dates

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It has been a week since i did that surprise for Liam. Nearly everyday since then we have been texting and calling each other,I couldnt be any more happier right now.

I went on my phone to check updates on Twitter and a text message came on my screen 'Heyy,Are you busy today babe? Liam xxx' I couldnt help smile at my phone stupidly, i messaged him back and continued looking through my twitter feed. We were going to meet at the Eastern Beach,it was really sunny and hot today and Liam said he wanted to take me out as a treat,of course i would go with him. 

I  wore my loose tank top and my demin shorts over my bikini's,i put on some sunscreen and pack it in my bag and then i grabbed my favourite beach towl and chuck it in there too. I am really excited to see Liam again,it feels like i havnt seen him in ages. I had an hour to get ready so i quickly did my hair and brushed my teeth which took 15 minutes to do and it takes 40 minutes to drive to the beach. I grabbed my bag and car keys and hopped into the car. I checked if i didnt forget and anything and looked to see if i had a phone with me. I have been driving for around 10 minutes now and i stop at a traffic light and an in coming call distracts my concentration. I put my phone on speaker and kept driving.

*Phone Call*

Amber: "Hello?"

Harry:" Hey its Harry"

Amber:"heyy how are you?"

Harry: "im good thanks,how did the suprise for Liam go?"

Amber: "yeahh it went really well, im actualy going on a date with him today and i cant really talk at the moment because im drving sorry"

Harry:"aww thats cute,sorry i disturbed you i guess ill talk to you later  then"

Amber:"its fine haha,have an good day Harry byeee"

*End of phone call*

I got my GPS out on my phone and on the screen it said there it  only a few more kilometers till im at there. I passed  the sign for the town now all i have to do is find the beach and im done. Passing a few shops and cafes i found a parking and figured out that the beach runs all along this area, I got my bag out and grabbed my phone and looked at the time 1pm,just on time. I locked my car and walked towards the beach,i couldnt spot him anywhere,he is not going to be exactly on time and he might be running late.5 minutes has passed I sat down on a bench next to the stairs which were leading to the beach and i clicked on his name to call him,it rang a few times and i got up to see if i could spot him and i felt strong arms wrap around my waist from behind "Ahhh!" i dropped my phone and turned around "i didnt realise you get so scared easily" Liam said smiling at me "you could have warned me" i said picking up my phone. "haha sorry and how has my lovely lady been?" he said bear hugging me, i kissed him on the lips and said "pretty good thanks,how about you?" I could feel his arms protecting me in the hug "im really good,now that i can see my beautiful girtfriend again" he kissed me on the cheek this time. We stood there for a while looking into each others eyes,we both were smiling at each other "Lets go onto the beach" Liam said walking ahead of me,he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him "its such a nice day today" i said looking at out sea. We found a spot on the sand and i put my bag down and laid out my towl, he took his shirt off revealing his toned body, i kept staring my eyes were glued on him "are you checking me out?" he said smirking,i looked at the ground and blushed."c'mon we didnt come here to sun bath all day" i rolled my eyes and got up "fine ill go in with you" i said taking off my singlet and shorts "wow" was all i heard him say, i put my clothes back into my bag and laughed "pervet". We walked near the shore holding hands, i heard woof whistles as i passed people, Liam put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, when we got closer to the sea he dived into the water and pushed his hair back so he could see "you coming in?" i moved one foot and i felt a cold rush through my body, i was about to slowly go in but instead he lifted me up and trew me over his shoulder "your coming with me" i kicked and screamed "put me down Liam!" he ignored me and kept going deeper and deeper into the water. "If you dont let me go,ill hurt you so bad afterwards" he said "fine,you said you wanted to be let go" he literally dropped me into the freezing water. "your so mean!" i said pushing my long hair out of my face, he laughed and swam away from me "your not getting away with this" i said chasing after him. He was such a fast swimmer,he was right about being good at sports in highschool,he was a lot ahead of me too. "If you werent doing singing as a career im surprised your not in the olympics,your really good" i said finally catching up to him,he stopped and smiled at the ground "thanks" I moved closer to him and before he looked up i splashed water all over on his face "thats pay back for chucking me in the water" he didnt say anything,he just moved closer to me and put his hand on my cheek "your beautiful" he said looking at my lips. I didnt know what he was trying to do, i put my hands around his neck and said "i love you" he gently put his lips onto mine, he moved his hands around my waist and kept kissing me,of course i kissed him back. I played aorund with his hair and the kiss got deeper, he lifted my legs up and i wrapped them around his body,he started to tug at my bikini top "L-Liam were at the beach remember" i got off him, he let go of me and rubbed his hand on his neck "sorry i got too carried away" I played with my hair and said "no its fine, im not ready for that right now, least not in this area" he pushed his hair back again and said "i know im sorry it was my fault" i  hugged him for a long time he looked upset  "Its fine,we both got caught in the moment it happens" he kissed my cheek and said "do you want to get out now,its getting cold" I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. He picked up my towl and wrapped it around me "your shivering" i gave him a side hug and "thanks" he put his towl around him too and said "are you hungry,do you wanna go get something to eat now?" once again i nodded my head and picked up my bag. He held my head and we walked up the stairs together,i stopped and stared at the ice cream shop infront of us "can i have an ice cream!" i said jumping up and down like a little kid,he laughed and said "of course we both will" we walked into the store and omg it was like heaven,there was so many different flavours to pick from. "oooh i want cookies and cream and bubble gum!" i said pointing, he payed the lady and she scooped them on a cone for me "here you go darling" "thank you" i said licking my first bit "and thank you Liam!" i said hugging him. "no problem babe" he said looking at the flavors "go get us a seat i wont be long" i sat on the couch side of the table and ate my yummy ice-cream. "im baaaack" he had two flavours as well "how come you got the comfy said" he said pouting at me and sitting down on the chair "haha,what flavours did you get?" i asked him,he licked his ice-cream and said "chocolate and raspberry,my two favourite" he said and smiled. We sat opposite eachother and eat our ice-creams while talking and laughing. "it has been such a great day thank you so much" i said , he stopped and stared at me "no worries,its not over yet babe i still have a surprise for you" I smiled really widely "aww you didnt have to!". 

We finished our ice-creams and we walked along the street "sooo whats this surprise for me??" i asked, he held my hand and said "im not telling,you will have to wait" he poked his tounge out at me, i gave him a sad pout and said "awww damn,you know i hate waiting,i get inpatient easily" he kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear "haha i know that,its not long till you get it dont worry" his warm breath made me get shivers down my spine "yay  im excited!". We kept walking for a while and he stopped suddenly and put his hands over my eyes "what are you doing Payno?" i tried getting away from him,it didnt work "this is your surprise" i was confused why did he stop randomly infront of a cafe. "keep your eyes closed,ill be right back" i didnt want him upset so i did what i was told,I felt my face feel bare when he was gone. I was getting quite insecure to keep closing my eyes,people were probably passing by and thinking what on earth is she doing. I screamed when somone grabbed a hold of my arm "jeez,its only me" I still kept my eyes closed and sighed in relief it wasnt a killer or something. "is it ready yet im started to feel uncomfortable with my eyes closed like this" he laughed,his laugh was so cute i swear. "you can open your eyes now" i opened them and see Liam holding all different kinds of flowers in his hand on one knee "surprise!" I was speechless "omg" i couldnt get any other words out of my mouth "these are for you beautiful" he handed them to me, i was still standing there shocked,a tear fell down my face "this is amazing,i love them! thank you so much!" i hugged him and kept kissing his cheeks continusly until it led to his lips. "you derserve the best,your the most gorgeus girlfriend ever and i wanted to give you flowers to thank you for always being there for me" i kissed him on the lips again and said "thank you so much!! your so nice and sweet i love you heaps Li-Li,you dont know how happy you always make me!" i smelt the flowers and smiled "they smell beautiful" he put his arms around my body and said "no worries anything for you,i love you heaps too". We stood infront of the flower shop kissing,it was the most meanful kiss ive ever had,i could feel butterflies in my stomach,nothing could be more perfect,i never wanted it to end. I am so glad we were back together again. I knew from that day on,it was true anything can really happen if you try and reach that goal.Liam has always has been there for me and I will always love him no matter what happens in the future. 

I just want to thank anyone who has read all of my story.Im so sorry if you didnt want it to end it like this but i kind of ran out of ideas to write. I hope you enjoyed it though! It took a while to write the whole thing,it was definatly worth it. I hope you all have a amazing day/night,i love you heaps! stay safe and keep smiling xoxo <3 :D 

By the way,i will most likely write other fanfictions on my page, soo keep an eye out for more! :) :)

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