Chapter 7~ Getting Over her

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I wake up with a massive headace. I look at the time, its 11am. "crap!" i say to myself , i have to be at Louis' house in 30 minutes. I jump out of my bed and have a quick shower. 15 minutes later im dressed and ready,i grab my coat and head out the door.

I have a quick breakfast snack before i leave and hop into my car. It only takes 10 minutes to get to Louis house so i didnt have to rush and there wasnt much traffic on the road since its only early in the morning. Once again it starts to rain, typical,its always raining in England,never changes. The rain makes me more depressed and it reminds me when i saw Amber on the streets.Liam she dosnt like you,just forget her she has someone else in her life. A tear falls down my face and i stop my car and stare into the distance for a bit,she was so beautiful and i had to push her away from me,why do i always do this. I notice i have a sharp object next to me, i grab it and push it through my skin. I am not a cutter but the band taking a break and Amber leaving me has made me feel really depressed latley. I dont have a towl to clean it with , i grab the tissue box from the back seat and clean up the blood on my wrist. Taking a deep breath in and out and wiping away my tears i contiue driving to Louis house.

5 minutes later:

I park in his drive way and hop out of my car making sure you cant see the cut on my wrist i put my jacket on incase. Louis would freak if he saw it. It dosnt take long for Louis to answer the door "hey come in!" I try to smile at him so he dosnt think somethings wrong and walk in his cosy home. We sit on his couch and Louis starts off talking "so what do you think we should do for her birthday?" i was looking outside his window, i coudlnt stop thinking about those few words she said to me 'Liam I have i have a boyfriend,i have to leave now'. "Liam, are you okay?" Louis waved his hand infront of my face, "oh ye im fine,its nothing anyways what were you saying?" Louis sat next to me and put his arm around me "Liam, you dont look like yourself what has been happening latley?" . I know he is my best friend but i didnt feel like talking about it right now it will just make me more upset. "Im fine,its just over just stupid dont worry" i said turning away from him , he grabbed my arm and said "okay,what ever happening,i just want you to know i will always be here for you,its not good to keep problems to yourself it will make you feel worse,so when your ready i am always here to talk about it". I hugged him and couldnt stop smiling,this is why he is my best friend,he is always there for me and he is good to talk to,whenever im upset he would make me smile again. It was getting really warm in here and i take off my jacket,forgetting i still have the cut on my wrist,I look down at my wrist and rub the painful cut. "you self harm yourself?!" Louis said , i looked up and didnt realise he was staring at me the whole time. "um well uh" i felt so bad Louis looked like he was about to cry. "Why Liam,your young and you have a great life,how could you be so stupid!" he was starting to sound more angry. "Louis,when we broke up as a band and when Amber left me i have been really depressed latley" "whos Amber?" he asked, i slapped myself in the face,i wasnt ment to tell him that. "this girl" "Liam,if you had a girlfriend why didnt you tell me about it?" I looked at the ground "Louis,she was a good friend to me and besides she has a boyfriend". "did you like this girl alot?" he said and put his hand on my shoulder for support. i nodded i could feel the tears in my eyes. "I-I kissed her and she told me she had a boyfriend and ran off,that was the last time i saw her". Louis rubbed my back and said "Liam,i am postive she wont hate you and im sure she would still want to be friends with you,just because she has a boyfriend dosnt mean you cant hang out with her" . I nodded my head and said " i know, i guess being friends with her is still good,better than loosing her all together,i just really liked her and to see that happen broke my heart". He hugged me and said " i know you did and cutting yourself dosnt help the situation please dont do it" He had a tears in his eyes , " i know,i will try not to do it anymore,thanks for the support,your a great friend Louis". We ended the conversation there and spend the rest of the time organising Rebekah's surprise birthday party.

After hours of planning, i looked at the time and it was already 3pm."thank you so much for coming We better head to the park now,there going to be waiting for us" Louis said and walked towards the door. I got up and followed him , we were going to walk there,it was only around the corner from his house. Louis and I talked the whole way, he woudnt shutup about Rebekah but a good friend i was,i am happy for him and acted like i was interesting in his stories. " Thank you so much for helping me plan her party,i couldnt do it without you!" "no worries,anytime mate" i said smiling. We arrived at the park and saw Niall,Harry,Zayn,Calum and Ashton all kicking a ball to eachother. Louis ran up to them hugging them and making them fall to the ground,he is crazy as always.Calum and Ashton came up to me hugging me "hey long time no see Payno,how have you been?" Calum said "i know it has been long and yeah im pretty good thanks how about yourself". We continued on with the conversation and joined the others on the feild.

"Liam! your here!" Harry came running towards me, he hugged me and said "i havnt talked to you in ages,anything happen with that girl,Amber?" he winked at me. "not really i havnt seen her in ages" he looked disappointed and said "oh aw im sure you will get to see her soon dont get too stressed about it " he put his hand on my back and we joined in the soccer game. We play for hours,jumping on eachother,acting like silly boys we are,were are very competive with soccer. It starts to get dark and my car is still at Louis house, we were all walking back his house to hang out anyways so i dont have to worry about getting a lift home or anything. "that was so fun,we have to do this more often!" Niall says walking next to me as we head back to Louis house. "yeah,getting tackled to the ground and my team beating your sorry ass's,it sure was!" Niall laughed and then punched me on the arm "dont be so sure Payno,next time were gonna be thrash you!" . I couldnt help laugh,"yeah! MC Nialler is back in the game!" i highfived him and he points his fingers at me "thats me!" then starts rapping an catchy eminem song. We laugh the whole way and followed everyone inside.

Louis suggest we should watch a movie because everyone was tired from playing hours of soccer. We all sat down either on the floor or couch and Louis put in Spiderman,i honestly think its such a great movie,one of my childhood favourites and also counting ToyStory. Harry came and sat next to me "Liam,can we talk in the kitchen for a second?" I was confused what did i do wrong,i got up and followed my way behind him. "yeah whats up?" I asked him "I know you really like this girl and i can tell your upset,if you dont make a effort to see her,its going to go no where but ignoring eachother" here comes the pain again, " Harry,she has a boyfriend,i kissed her last night and she told me that and ran away how can i call her now when she probably hates me!" . He put his hand on my shoulder and said "I am so sorry,you must be shattered but who cares if she has a boyfriend dosnt mean you cant hang out with her,call her now or ill do it for you". I got my phone out of my pocket and stared at it for a while, "Liam she isnt going to be angry at you,just explain to her you just want to be friends and it all was misunderstood". I clicked her name on my contacts,my heart was beating so fast. *Phone Call* Amber:"Hello?".

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