OhEmGosh You Guys

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"Dear Connor, he's a lucky guy, I'm crying right now! I've known you since you met him, you are so blessed!" Elder Poptarts wrote sniffing. All the Elders were pitching in to write a letter to their club leader of the Mormons United club at their school. He was, hopefully, going to get proposed to tonight. All the Elders couldn't wait.

"Good luck bud, you're gonna need it, you are the perfect fit for each other! You both love dance so much! He got that body." Elder James Church wrote excitedly. He was a tall dark haired kid,with an awkward frame. Strong for his age, and enjoyed being in the company of Elder Poptarts. He couldn't believe his club leader was finally going to get a, hopefully, sparkling ring from the man of his dreams. The couple had been together for four and a half years officially, and friends since way before high school.

"Oh Elder McKinley, may Heavenly Father bless your union, you better show me that ring when you get back bro. I just learned from Elder Schrader that bro means Brother, isn't that just nifty!" Elder Davis laughed. He was about to burst on happiness as he wrote. He passed the little store bought card back to Elder Church.

The eager Elder added more to his part, "You better get a good ring, not one of those class ring companionship rings the stupid sales people always get seniors to buy. Oh Elder, you must be so excited. I wish I could see this!"

Elder Poptarts grabbed the card from Elder Church and added some more of his own commentary. "You totally hit the jackpot Connor. You guys are the perfect couple! Relationship goals :)" Elder Poptarts let out an excited giggle and wiped his tears. He glanced at his Poptart box wrist watch and gasped, "OhEmGosh Elders! Quickly sign the card and form a line! He could be here any minute get ready for the party, but be quite, it's a surpise!"

All the Elders scrambled to form a line and started talking. They were in the club room they always met at on Wednesdays. "They are a perfect couple."

"A match made in heaven."

"I heard he never cheated once, that's got to be good sign!"

"Like Broke Back Mountain, only no one dies!"

"I hope that once Elder McKinley is engaged, he won't forget about us. He is after all a Latter day Mormon. But even if it doesn't work out, we'll still be here, right?"


"GUYS BE QUIET I'M SERIOUS!" Elder Church boomed. The room went silent.

After waiting a while another member of the club ran in. "What is it Elder Neeley?" One of the Elders asked. Elder Neeley was panting. Elder Michael's walked up to him and put and hand on his back. Elder Michael told the group what Elder Neeley painted out while rubbing soothing circles on his friends back. "He says that Elder McKinley hasn't prayed yet for support, and he's is trapped in the old Cemetery," All the Elders collectively gasped," Oh wait, Whoops, Sorry, the Old Church!" The Elders responded in a louder gasp that erupted in excited chatter.

"We have to help him, no one should be unsupported when asking Heavenly Father for acceptance and guidance! Let's go!" Elder Poptarts exclaimed running out of the room. All the Elders followed leaving poor Elder Neeley, who was still catching his breath. "W-wait for me!" He wheezed and ran out to follow his fellow Mormons.

-At The Church, Of Course-

Connor was kneeling on the floor of the Church praying. "Oh Lord, please let today be good day, and let all my dreams come true. I think the he's finally going to give me that promise I've been waiting so long for. I hope I don't look too desperate." Connor prayed. He was small for his age, but thankfully taller than his best friend. He had neatly combed dirty-red colored hair, and bright blue eyes. He had on his lucky blue tie for comfort.

"There he is! Get him!" One of the Elders yelled, soon Connor was surrounded by his friends. He was attack hugged by his best friend, Chris, or Elder Poptarts. As everyone called the rambunctious little blond haired Mormon, cuz he loved them so much. His real last name was a mystery to everyone except for Elder McKinley. Connor laughed, "Guys, He is totally going to propose! Want to pray with me?" All the Elders nodded and smiled their best smiles.

"Uhm, excuse me, but being gay is a sin." One of the Mormons in the Church, that had caught a bit of what the younger Elder had excitedly blabbed, said glaring at Connor. All the Elders frowned at the man.

Connor just smiled, "Can you read me the scripture that says that the Heavenly Father hates Homosexuals, I'm sure you have it, right?"

The other church goer just paled. "N-no..."

The group of Elders erupted in whispers,"Oh Em Gosh, Elder McKinley just told off that homophobic guy!"

Connor nodded, "Well than you can't tell me what Heavenly Father thinks, he's never made a mistake before, sir, so I doubt he did when he made me." The church was silent listening to Connors speech.

The angry church man left in a huff, and old preacher of the Church came up to Connor. "Hello Elder McKinley, do you mind if I pray with you? I'm sure Heavenly Father will hear our prayers collectively." Connor smiled kindly at the old preacher, and nodded. All the Elders made a circle to pray. Once it was over the Elders were buzzing with excitement. Connor waved them goodbye as he left the Church and drove off to the restaurant that his boyfriend had told him to meet at.

All of the Elders waited with held breath as they wished luck to their Mormon club leader. They couldn't wait for the days to come.

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